
Region:Afrotropical Region
Species Province Publication
Acrostatheusis reducta Herbulot, 1967 page: ZSM
Acrostatheusis sanaga Herbulot, 1991 Herbulot C. 1991a. Deux nouveaux Acrostatheusis (Lepidoptera Geometridae). page: 15
Adelpherupa pontica Maes, 2002 Maes K. V. N. 2002c. Revision of the genus Adelpherupa Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea, Crambidae, Schoenobiinae) with the description of five new species. page: 1723
Adrapsa occidens Prout A. E., 1927 Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page: 369
Adrougeriana ducorpsi (De Fleury, 1925) Darge Ph. 1973b. Lépidoptères Attacidae et Sphingidae récoltés dans le Nord Cameroun par M. le Docteur G. Nonveiller. page: 56
Adrougeriana nenia (Westwood, 1849) Rougeot P.-C. 1962a. Les Lépidoptères de l'Afrique noire occidentale. Attacidés (= Saturniidés). page: 56 (as nubifera)
Aedia conradti Hacker, 2016 Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 304
Aedia dipterygia (Hampson, 1926) Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 303
Aedia eburneana Hacker, 2016 Hacker H. H., Fiebig R., Goater B., Schreier H.-P. & Stadie D. 2022. Moths of Africa. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera of Africa. Volume 3 Acontiinae (Noctuidae) (including Aediini Beck, 1960) based on traditional treatment). page: 332
Aedia iridocosma Bethune-Baker, 1911 Wojtusiak J. 1996c. The check-list of the Noctuidae Moths of the São Tomé and Principe Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, with notes on their geographical distribution. Part III. Catocalinae, Ophiderinae, Hypeninae, Hypenodinae. page: 687
Aedia iridocosma occidens Hacker, 2022 Hacker H. H., Fiebig R., Goater B., Schreier H.-P. & Stadie D. 2022. Moths of Africa. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera of Africa. Volume 3 Acontiinae (Noctuidae) (including Aediini Beck, 1960) based on traditional treatment). page: 344
Aedia microcelis (Hampson, 1926) Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 303
Aedia xanthophaes Bethune-Baker, 1911 Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 305
Aegocera fervida Walker, 1854 Kiriakoff S. G. 1975a. Les Agaristidae de la République du Zaïre (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea). page: 62
Aegocera obliqua Mabille, 1893 Kiriakoff S. G. 1975a. Les Agaristidae de la République du Zaïre (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea). page: 64
Aegocera rectilinea Boisduval, 1836 Plötz C. 1880a. Verzeichniss der vom Prof. Dr. R. Buchholz in West-Afrika gesammelten Schmetterlinge. page: 81
Aegocera tigrina (Druce, 1883) Druce H. 1882. Descriptions of new species of Aegeriidae and Sphingidae. page: 779
Aegocera tricolora Bethune-Baker, 1909 Aurivillius C. 1925b. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zweiten Deutschen Zentralafrika-Expedition 1910–1911 unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzog zu Mecklenburg. Band 1 Zoologie, Lieferung 18, Lepidoptera IV. page: 1310
Aethaloessa floridalis (Zeller, 1852) Whalley P. E. S. 1961b. A revision of two species complexes in the Pyraustinae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). 1. Cotachena histricalis Walker 2. Syngamia floridalis Zeller. page: 106
Aethalopteryx grandiplaga (Gaede, 1929) Gaede M. 1929–1930. Psychidae, Thyrididae, Metarbelidae, Aegeriidae, Cossidae, Hepialidae. – In: Seitz, A. (ed.) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine Systematische Bearbeitung der bis jetzt bekannten Gross-Schmetterlinge. Die Afrikanischen Spinner und Schwärmer. page: 547
Aethalopteryx squameus (Distant, 1902) page: R. Yakovlev
Afraloa bifurca (Walker, 1855) Aurivillius C. 1904c. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Insektenfauna von Kamerun. 11. Lepidoptera Heterocera II. page: 35
Afrasura craigii (Holland, 1893) Strand E. 1912m. Zur Kenntnis äthiopischer Lithosiinae. page: 193
Afrasura discocellularis (Strand, 1912) Strand E. 1912o. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition des Herrn G. Tessmann nach süd-Kamerun und Spanisch-Guinea. Lepidoptera III. (Arctiidae etc.). page: 101
Afrasura discocellularis discocellularis (Strand, 1912) Strand E. 1912o. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition des Herrn G. Tessmann nach süd-Kamerun und Spanisch-Guinea. Lepidoptera III. (Arctiidae etc.). page: 101