Museums Lookup

Acronym Name City Country
ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung München Munich Germany
ZMUH Zoological Museum of the University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland
ZMUC Zoological Museum of the University Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark
ZMS Zoological Museum, Salisbury Harare Zimbabwe
ZMPAS Zoological Museum of the Polish Academy of Science Lomna Las, near Warsaw Poland
ZMKU Zoological Museum, Kiev Nat. Taras Shevchenko University Kiev Ukraine
ZMK Zoologisches Museum Kiel Kiel Germany
ZMJU Zoological Museum of the Jagiellonian University Kraków Poland
ZMH Zoologisches Museum Hamburg Hamburg Germany
ZMA Zoological Museum Amsterdam Amsterdam Netherlands
ZIUL Zoological Institute of the University of Lund Lund Sweden
ZIN Zoological Institute St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Russian Federation
ZIMG Zoologische Institut und Museum, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Greifswald Germany
ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum A. Koenig Bonn Germany
ZFB Zentrum für Biodokumentation des Saarlandes Schiffweiler Germany
WIGJ World Insect Gallery, Joniškis Lithuania
USTTB University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako Bamako Mali
USNM United States National Museum (=Smithsonian Institution) Washington United States of America
USMB Übersee-Museum Bremen Germany
UPLB University of Philippines Los Baños Philippines
UCD University of California Davis United States of America
UCCC Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Concepción Concepción Chile
UCB University of California Berkeley United States of America
UAEIC United Arab Emirates Invertebrate Collection Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
TrustNHMUK The Natural History Museum London United Kingdom of Great Britain and N Ireland