
Region:Afrotropical Region
Species Province Publication
Aburina multilineata (Holland, 1920) Aurivillius C. 1925b. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zweiten Deutschen Zentralafrika-Expedition 1910–1911 unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzog zu Mecklenburg. Band 1 Zoologie, Lieferung 18, Lepidoptera IV. page: 1325
Acantholipes circumdata (Walker, 1858) Butler A. G. 1892a. Notes on the synonymy of Noctuid moths. page: 141
Achaea albicilia (Walker, 1858) Laporte B. 1970c. Contribution à la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. CI. Lépidoptères Noctuidae. page: 1060
Achaea catocaloides Guenée, 1852 Laporte B. 1970c. Contribution à la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. CI. Lépidoptères Noctuidae. page: 1059
Achaea ezea (Cramer, 1779) Laporte B. 1970c. Contribution à la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. CI. Lépidoptères Noctuidae. page: 1059
Achaea faber Holland, 1894 Laporte B. 1970c. Contribution à la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. CI. Lépidoptères Noctuidae. page: 1060
Achaea hieroglyphigera (Strand, 1911) page: P. Boireau
Achaea indicabilis Walker, 1858 page: P. Basquin
Achaea jamesoni Prout L. B., 1919 Prout L. B. 1919a. New and insufficiently-known moths in the Joicey collection. page: 180
Achaea klugii (Boisduval, 1833) page: A. Legrain
Achaea xanthoptera (Hampson, 1910) page: A. Legrain
Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758) Rougeot P.-C. 1966b. Contribution à la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. XXXIV. Lépidoptères Sphingidae. page: 1224
Acosma equatorialis (Yakovlev, 2011) Yakovlev R. V. 2011. Catalogue of the family Cossidae of the Old World (Lepidoptera). page: 86
Acrapex kafula Le Ru, 2017 Le Ru B. P., Capdevielle-Dulac C., Musyoka B. K., Pallangyo B., Njaku M., Mubenga O., Chipabika G., Ndemah R., Bani G., Molo R., Ong’Amo G. & Kergoat G. J. 2017b. Phylogenetic analysis and systematics of the Acrapex unicolora Hampson species complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini), with the description of five new species from the Afrotropics. page: 11
Acrapex kiakouama Le Ru, 2017 Le Ru B. P., Capdevielle-Dulac C., Musyoka B. K., Pallangyo B., Njaku M., Mubenga O., Chipabika G., Ndemah R., Bani G., Molo R., Ong’Amo G. & Kergoat G. J. 2017b. Phylogenetic analysis and systematics of the Acrapex unicolora Hampson species complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini), with the description of five new species from the Afrotropics. page: 16
Acrapex mediopuncta (Bowden, 1956) Le Ru B. P., Capdevielle-Dulac C., Musyoka B. K., Pallangyo B., Njaku M., Mubenga O., Chipabika G., Ndemah R., Bani G., Molo R., Ong’Amo G. & Kergoat G. J. 2017b. Phylogenetic analysis and systematics of the Acrapex unicolora Hampson species complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini), with the description of five new species from the Afrotropics. page: 19
Acrapex unicolora (Hampson, 1910) Le Ru B. P., Capdevielle-Dulac C., Musyoka B. K., Pallangyo B., Njaku M., Mubenga O., Chipabika G., Ndemah R., Bani G., Molo R., Ong’Amo G. & Kergoat G. J. 2017b. Phylogenetic analysis and systematics of the Acrapex unicolora Hampson species complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini), with the description of five new species from the Afrotropics. page: 26
Acrojana rosacea (Butler, 1874) page: P. Basquin
Acrostatheusis reducta Herbulot, 1967 page: ZSM
Acrostatheusis sanaga Herbulot, 1991 page: ZSM
Adrougeriana nenia (Westwood, 1849) Morin C. & Grillot J.-P. 1983. Fluctuations saisonnières et rythme d'activité chez les Sphinx et les Saturniides au Congo (Lep.). page: 345 (as nubifera)
Adrougeriana neonubifera (Rougeot, 1979) Rougeot P.-C. 1979a. Diagnoses de trois Attacidae (Lepidoptera) africains inédits. page: 372
Aedia iridocosma Bethune-Baker, 1911 Hacker H. H., Fiebig R., Goater B., Schreier H.-P. & Stadie D. 2022. Moths of Africa. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera of Africa. Volume 3 Acontiinae (Noctuidae) (including Aediini Beck, 1960) based on traditional treatment). page: 345 (as occidens)
Aedia iridocosma occidens Hacker, 2022 Hacker H. H., Fiebig R., Goater B., Schreier H.-P. & Stadie D. 2022. Moths of Africa. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera of Africa. Volume 3 Acontiinae (Noctuidae) (including Aediini Beck, 1960) based on traditional treatment). page: 345
Aegocera fervida Walker, 1854 Strand E. 1912o. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition des Herrn G. Tessmann nach süd-Kamerun und Spanisch-Guinea. Lepidoptera III. (Arctiidae etc.). page: 24