
Region:Afrotropical Region
Species Province Publication
Abrostola confusa Dufay, 1958 Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 124
Acantholipes circumdata (Walker, 1858) Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 120
Achaea catella Guenée, 1852 Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 109
Achaea lienardi (Boisduval, 1833) Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 108
Acontia biskrensis Oberthür, 1887 Hacker H. H. 2001a. Fauna of the Nolidae and Noctuidae of the Levante with descriptions and taxonomic notes (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). Appendix: Revision genus Clytie Hübner, [1823]. page: 105
Acontia nigrimacula Hacker, Legrain & Fibiger, 2008 Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 130
Acontia opalinoides Guenée, 1852 Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Aistleitner E. 2010. Noctuidae of Cape Verde Islands (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). page: 39 (as westafricana)
Acontia opalinoides westafricana Hacker, Legrain & Fibiger, 2008 Hacker H. H., Legrain A. & Fibiger M. 2008. Revision of the genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 and the tribus Acontiini Guenée, 1841 (Old World) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Acontiinae). page: 113
Acontia wahlbergi Wallengren, 1856 Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 130
Acontiola subtilimba (Berio, 1963) Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 129
Acrobyla kneuckeri Rebel, 1903 Rungs Ch. 1945. Missions Marocaines d'études des Acridiens migrateurs. Resultats scientifiques. VII. Contribution à la connaissance des lépidoptères du Sahara Nord-Occidental. page: 33 (as gloriosa)
Adisura callima Bethune-Baker, 1911 Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Aistleitner E. 2010. Noctuidae of Cape Verde Islands (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). page: 64
Aedia nigrescens (Wallengren, 1856) Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Aistleitner E. 2010. Noctuidae of Cape Verde Islands (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). page: 26
Aedia nigrescens nigrescens (Wallengren, 1856) Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Aistleitner E. 2010. Noctuidae of Cape Verde Islands (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). page: 26
Aegle exsiccata (Warren & Rothschild, 1905) Speidel W. & Hassler M. 1989. Die Schmetterlingsfauna der südlichen algerischen Sahara und ihrer Hochgebirge Hoggar und Tassili n'Ajjer (Lepidoptera). page: 92
Aegocera rectilinea Boisduval, 1836 Hacker H. H. & Hausmann A. 2010. Noctuidae collected by Karlheinz Politzar in Bogué, Mauritania (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). page: 132
Agdistis tamaricis (Zeller, 1847) Gielis C. 2003. World Catalogue of Insects 4. Pterophoroidea & Alucitoidea. page: 16
Agrotis catalaunensis (Millière, 1873) Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 624
Agrotis haifae Staudinger, 1897 Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 623
Agrotis herzogi Rebel, 1911 Rungs Ch. 1945. Missions Marocaines d'études des Acridiens migrateurs. Resultats scientifiques. VII. Contribution à la connaissance des lépidoptères du Sahara Nord-Occidental. page: 22 (as hoggari)
Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766) Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Aistleitner E. 2010. Noctuidae of Cape Verde Islands (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). page: 60
Agrotis lasserrei (Oberthür, 1881) Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 626
Agrotis puta (Hübner, 1803) Rungs Ch. 1992. Premier aperçu sur la faune des lépidoptères du Sahara occidental. page: 376
Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Rungs Ch. 1945. Missions Marocaines d'études des Acridiens migrateurs. Resultats scientifiques. VII. Contribution à la connaissance des lépidoptères du Sahara Nord-Occidental. page: 21
Agrotis spinifera (Hübner, 1808) Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Aistleitner E. 2010. Noctuidae of Cape Verde Islands (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). page: 58