Powell-Cotton Museum

Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and N Ireland
Species TypeStatus Gender Locality
Aegocera tricolora Bethune-Baker, 1909 Paratype Democratic Republic of Congo, Orientale, Makala, iv.1906, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Diomea disticta Bethune-Baker, 1909 Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Province Orientale, Congo Free State, Ituri Forest, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Estigmene ochreomarginata Bethune-Baker, 1909 Paratype Uganda, Equatorial Africa, Acholi Country, Patigo, 4000 ft.
Euproctis mediosquamosa Bethune-Baker, 1909 Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Makala, Beni, vii.
Halseyia rufilinea (Bethune-Baker, 1909) Paratype Uganda, Entebbe, leg. F. J. Jackson.
Hypena poliopera Bethune-Baker, 1909 Lectotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Province Orientale, Congo Free State, Ituri Forest, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Negeta ochreoplaga (Bethune-Baker, 1909) Paratype Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Free State, Makala District, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Odontestis mesonephele (Bethune-Baker, 1909) Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Free State, Kinshasa, Makala District, iii, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Phostria flavipectus (Bethune-Baker, 1909) Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Province Orientale, Ituri, Congo Free State, Makala, iv, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Pilocrocis nubilinea Bethune-Baker, 1909 Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Province Orientale, Ituri, Congo Free State, Makala, iv, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Rhanidophora septipunctata Bethune-Baker, 1909 Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Makala-Beni, vii, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Sarmatia indenta Bethune-Baker, 1909 Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, Makala, v, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Stemmatophora flammans Bethune-Baker, 1909 Holotype unknown [Democratic Republic of Congo, Province Orientale], Congo Free State, Ituri, Makala, v, leg. Powell-Cotton.
Xoria orthogramma (Bethune-Baker, 1909) Holotype Democratic Republic of Congo, Province Orientale, Congo Free State, Makala, leg. Powell-Cotton.