Anarsia dodonaea Bippus, 2020 |
Réunion |
Bippus M. 2020b. Records of Lepidoptera from the Malagasy region with description of new species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Noctuidae, Alucitidae, Choreutidae, Euteliidae, Gelechiidae, Blastobasidae, Pterophoridae, Tonzidae, Tineidae, Praydidae, Cosm..., Batrachedridae). page: 78 |
Biston edwardsi (Prout L. B., 1938) |
Uganda |
Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page: 401 |
Cleora acaciaria (Boisduval, 1833) |
Réunion |
Bippus M. 2017c. On some Geometridae (Lepidoptera) collected in Madagascar and the Mascarene islands. page: 13 |
Stomphastis dodonaeae Vári, 1961 |
Madagascar |
Triberti P. 1988. Contribution to the knowledge of the Gracillariidae fauna of the Malagasy region. 3. Genus Stomphastis Meyrick (Lepidoptera). page: 301 |
Stomphastis dodonaeae Vári, 1961 |
South Africa |
Vári L. 1961. South African Lepidoptera. I. Lithocolletidae. page: 87 |