Afronarosa africana (Hering, 1932) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 181 |
Argyrostagma niobe (Weymer, 1896) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1975. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2 – moths (Heterocera). page: 183 |
Bracharoa mixta (Snellen, 1872) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1975. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2 – moths (Heterocera). page: 182 |
Catephia natalensis Hampson, 1902 |
Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 306 |
Eumeta cervina Druce, 1888 |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 182 |
Euproctis coniorta Collenette, 1960 |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1975. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2 – moths (Heterocera). page: 180 |
Euproctis dewitzi (Grünberg, 1907) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1975. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2 – moths (Heterocera). page: 180 |
Euproctis fasciata (Walker, 1855) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1975. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2 – moths (Heterocera). page: 180 |
Euproctis geminata (Collenette, 1933) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1952. Field notes from East Africa (6). page: 180 |
Euproctis lyoma Swinhoe, 1904 |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1952. Field notes from East Africa (6). page: 179 (as lyona) |
Latoia urda (Druce, 1888) |
South Africa |
Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page: 53 |
Niphadolepis alianta Karsch, 1899 |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 182 |
Orgyia hopkinsi Collenette, 1937 |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1975. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2 – moths (Heterocera). page: 183 |
Selepa celtis Moore, 1858 |
Moore F. 1858–1860. In: Horsfield, Th. & Moore, F. – A catalogue of the lepidopterous insects in the Museum of Natural History at the East-India House. page: 353 |