Entomological expedition to Abyssinia, 1926–27: Lepidoptera, Geometridae.

Author:Debauche H. R.
Journal:Annals and Magazine of Natural History
Volume:(10) 20
Pagination:320–344, pls 7–8
Species Status Original Combination Citation
Epigynopteryx pyrographa Debauche, 1937 Misapplied Epigynopteryx pyrographa Epigynopteryx ansorgei ab. pyropgrapha, ab. n.
Hemistola aetherea Debauche, 1937 Accepted Hemistola aetherea Hemistola (?) aetherea, sp. n.
Odontopera briela (Debauche, 1937) Accepted Gonodontis briela Gonodontis briela, sp. n.
Piercia zukwalensis Debauche, 1937 Accepted Piercia zukwalensis Piercia zukwalensis, sp. n.
Prasinocyma aetheraea (Debauche, 1937) Accepted Hemistola aetheraea Hemistola (?) aetheraea, sp. n.
Prasinocyma hailei Debauche, 1937 Accepted Prasinocyma hailei Prasinocyma hailei, sp. n.
Scopula scotti scotti Debauche, 1937 Accepted Scopula scotti scotti Scopula scotti, sp. n.
Scopula scotti Debauche, 1937 Accepted Scopula scotti Scopula scotti, sp. n.
Xanthorhoe alta Debauche, 1937 Accepted Xanthorhoe alta Xanthorhoë alta, sp. n.
Xanthorhoe cadra (Debauche, 1937) Accepted Ortholitha cadra Ortholitha cadra, sp. n.
Xanthorhoe cuneosignata Debauche, 1937 Accepted Xanthorhoe cuneosignata Xanthorhoë cuneosignata, sp. n.