Abakabaka phasiana (Butler, 1882)

Higher taxa: Erebidae (family)/  Lymantriinae (subfamily)/  UnassignedLymantriinae (tribe)/  Abakabaka (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Butler, 1882)
Citation:Parorgyia phasiana, n. sp.
Original genus:Parorgyia
Publication:Butler A. G. 1882c. Descriptions of new species of Heterocerous Lepidoptera from Madagascar.
Journal:Cistula Entomologica

Taxonomic note:

Transferred to Abakabaka by P. Griveaud (1977b: 558).

Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Abakabaka phasiana (Butler, 1882) Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK Madagascar Madagascar Central, Betsileo County, Ankafana [Ankafina Forest], leg. W. D. Cowan. Collenette C. L. 1936b. New Lymantriidae from Madagascar. page 17
Abakabaka phasiana (Butler, 1882) Allotype NHMUK Neallotype ♀, designated by C. L. Collenette (1936b: 158), NHMUK. Madagascar Madagascar Central, Betsileo County, Ankafana [Ankafina Forest], leg. W. D. Cowan. Collenette C. L. 1936b. New Lymantriidae from Madagascar. page 17
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Abakabaka phasiana (Butler, 1882) Madagascar Butler A. G. 1882c. Descriptions of new species of Heterocerous Lepidoptera from Madagascar. page 17
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination