Egnasia hypomochla Fletcher D. S., 1963

Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Egnasia hypomochla Fletcher D. S., 1963 Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. Rwanda Rwanda, Kabira Forest, Ruanda District, 12 miles N of Usumbara, north end of Lake Tanganyika, 7000 ft, i.1924, leg. T. A. Barns.
Egnasia hypomochla Fletcher D. S., 1963 Allotype NHMUK Allotype ♀, genitalia slide 3265♀, NHMUK. Rwanda Rwanda, Kabira Forest, Ruanda District, 12 miles N of Usumbara, north end of Lake Tanganyika, 7000 ft, i.1924, leg. T. A. Barns.
Egnasia hypomochla Fletcher D. S., 1963 Paratype RMCA Paratypes 2♂, 1♀, genitalia slide 3264♂, NHMUK, RMCA. Rwanda Rwanda, Kabira Forest, Ruanda District, 12 miles N of Usumbara, north end of Lake Tanganyika, 7000 ft, i.1924, leg. T. A. Barns.
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination