Acantharctia flavimarginata Rothschild, 1935

Higher taxa: Erebidae (family)/  Arctiinae (subfamily)/  Arctiini (tribe)/  Acantharctia (genus)/ 
Status:Synonym, the accepted name is Acantharctia latifusca
Authorship:Rothschild, 1935
Citation:Acantharctia flavimarginata sp. nov.
Original genus:Acantharctia
Publication:Rothschild W. 1935. Some new Arctiinae.
Journal:Novitates Zoologicae
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Acantharctia flavimarginata Rothschild, 1935 Lectotype NHMUK Lectotype ♂, NHMUK Kenya [Kenya], Suna, S of Kavirondo, iii.1932, leg. W. Feather.
Acantharctia flavimarginata Rothschild, 1935 Lectotype NHMUK Paralectotypes 8♂, NHMUK. Kenya [Kenya], Suna, S of Kavirondo, iii.1932, leg. W. Feather.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination