Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889

Higher taxa: Sphingidae (family)/  Macroglossinae (subfamily)/  Macroglossini (tribe)/  Macroglossina (subtribe)/  Antinephele (genus)/ 
Authorship:Holland, 1889
Citation:A.[ntinephele] Maculifera n. sp.
Original genus:Antinephele
Publication:Holland W. J. 1889. Contributions to a knowledge of the Lepidoptera of West Africa. Paper II. List of African Sphingidae received during the years 1887 and 1888.
Journal:Transactions of the American Entomological Society
Pagination:69–70; pl. 3, ifg. 2
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Holotype CMNH Holotype ♂, CMNH Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea, Benita, leg. L. Reutlinger.
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Paratype NHMUK Paratype 1♂, NHMUK. Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea, Benita, leg. L. Reutlinger.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Cameroon Karsch F. 1891b. Verzeichniss der von Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss auf der Barombi-Station in Kamerun gesammelten Sphingiden. page 294
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Central African Republic Basquin P. & Pierre J. 2005. Contribution à la connaissance des Sphinx de la République Centrafricaine avec descriptions de nouvelles espèce et sous-espèce et d'une femelle inédite (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 503
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga Bouyer Th. & Kitching I. J. 2023. Contribution à la connaissance des Sphingidae de République démocratique du Congo (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 103
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Bouyer Th. & Kitching I. J. 2023. Contribution à la connaissance des Sphingidae de République démocratique du Congo (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 103
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Bouyer Th. & Kitching I. J. 2023. Contribution à la connaissance des Sphingidae de République démocratique du Congo (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 103
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Côte d'Ivoire Vuattoux R., Pierre J. & Haxaire J. 1989. Les Sphinx de Côte-d'Ivoire, avec des données nouvelles sur les élevages effectués à la Station écologique de Lamto (Lep. Sphingidae). page 245
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Equatorial Guinea Holland W. J. 1889. Contributions to a knowledge of the Lepidoptera of West Africa. Paper II. List of African Sphingidae received during the years 1887 and 1888. page 70
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Gabon Darge Ph. 1970a. Contribution à la faune du Gabon: Lépidoptères Sphingidae. page 260
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Ghana Ochse M., Safian Sz., Mey W., Zolotuhin V. V. & Prozorov A. M. 2014. Lepidoptera research in the Afrotropics: results of the 2011 workshop and field trip in Ghana, West-Africa. page 47
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Malawi D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 153
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Mozambique Bąkowski M., László G. M. & Takano H. 2020. A contribution to the knowledge of the Sphingidae fauna of Mozambique. page 56
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Nigeria Boorman J. 1960a. Notes on the Hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Nigeria. page 118
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Sierra Leone Carcasson R. H. 1968. Revised catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of the East African species. page 78
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Tanzania Carcasson R. H. 1968. Revised catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of the East African species. page 78
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Uganda Carcasson R. H. 1968. Revised catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of the East African species. page 78
Antinephele maculifera Holland, 1889 Zimbabwe Carcasson R. H. 1968. Revised catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of the East African species. page 78
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination