Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849)

Higher taxa: Saturniidae (family)/  Saturniinae (subfamily)/  Micragonini (tribe)/  Holocerina (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Westwood, 1849)
Citation:Saturnia (Henuchia?) Smilax, Westw.
Original genus:Saturnia
Publication:Westwood J. O. 1849. Monograph of the large African species of nocturnal Lepidoptera belonging or allied to the genus Saturnia.
Journal:Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
Name(English):Variable Prince
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Syntype NHMUK Syntypes ♂, ♀, NHMUK. South Africa South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Port Natal [Durban].

DNA voucher(s)
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Burkina Faso Rougerie R. & Bouyer J. 2005. Contribution à la connaissance des Saturniidae du Burkina Faso. 1. Tribu des Micragonini (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). page 343
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Aurivillius C. 1900b. Verzeichniss einer von den Herren Missionären E. Laman und W. Sjöholm bei Mukinbungu am unteren Congo zusammengebrachten Schmetterlingssammlung. page 1047
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga Rougeot P.-C. & Allard V. 1966. Note sur une collection de Lépidoptères Attacidae du Katanga. page 2
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Djibouti Darge Ph. 2008b. Description de nouveaux Saturnides d'Afrique orientale et centrale (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). page 16
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Eritrea Berio E. 1939a. Contributi alla conoscenza dei lepidotteri eteroceri dell'Eritrea I. Lista delle specie con descrizioni delle nuove entità raccolte negli anni 1934 al 1937 dal sig. Francesco Vaccaro. page 60
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Eswatini Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars page 270 (map)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Kenya Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Lesotho Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars page 270 (map)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Malawi Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Mozambique Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Nigeria Sharpe E. M. 1902. A list of Lepidoptera collected by Dr. Cuthbert Christy in Nigeria. page 106
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Sierra Leone Schaus W. & Clements W. G. 1893. On a collection of Sierra Leone Lepidoptera. page 29
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa Western Cape Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars page 270 (map)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa Eastern Cape Taylor J. S. 1946. Food-plants of some South African Lepidoptera. page 46
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa Gauteng Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars page 270 (map)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa Limpopo Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars page 270 (map)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Westwood J. O. 1849. Monograph of the large African species of nocturnal Lepidoptera belonging or allied to the genus Saturnia. page 59
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa Mpumalanga Taylor J. S. 1928. A note on Holocera (Ludia) smilax Westw. page 78
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Tanzania Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Uganda Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Zambia Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Zimbabwe Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax basquini Darge, 1986 Kenya Darge Ph. 1986b. Note sur les Saturmiidae africains du genre Holocerina Pinhey, avec description d'une espèce nouvelle : holocerina basquini. page 27
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Aurivillius C. 1900b. Verzeichniss einer von den Herren Missionären E. Laman und W. Sjöholm bei Mukinbungu am unteren Congo zusammengebrachten Schmetterlingssammlung. page 1047
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga Rougeot P.-C. & Allard V. 1966. Note sur une collection de Lépidoptères Attacidae du Katanga. page 2
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Djibouti Darge Ph. 2008b. Description de nouveaux Saturnides d'Afrique orientale et centrale (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). page 16
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Eritrea Berio E. 1939a. Contributi alla conoscenza dei lepidotteri eteroceri dell'Eritrea I. Lista delle specie con descrizioni delle nuove entità raccolte negli anni 1934 al 1937 dal sig. Francesco Vaccaro. page 60
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Kenya Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Malawi Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Mozambique Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Nigeria Sharpe E. M. 1902. A list of Lepidoptera collected by Dr. Cuthbert Christy in Nigeria. page 106
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Sierra Leone Schaus W. & Clements W. G. 1893. On a collection of Sierra Leone Lepidoptera. page 29
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Westwood J. O. 1849. Monograph of the large African species of nocturnal Lepidoptera belonging or allied to the genus Saturnia. page 59
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) South Africa Mpumalanga Van den Berg M. A. 1974d. Pouoogmotte (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin. page 170
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Tanzania Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Uganda Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Zambia Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Zimbabwe Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Plant note:

Description of the larva in M. A. Van den Berg (1975).

Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Ekebergia capensis Meliaceae South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page 78 (as E. meyeri)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Jasminum pubigerum Oleaceae South Africa Fawcett J. M. 1901. Notes on the transformations of some South-African Lepidoptera. page 306
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Jasminum sp. Oleaceae Kenya Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus caribaea Pinaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus greggii Pinaceae Kenya Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus patula Pinaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus radiata Pinaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Protorhus longifolia Anacardiaceae South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page 90 (as R. longifolia)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Psidium guajava Myrtaceae South Africa Fawcett J. M. 1903. Notes on the transformations of some South-African Lepidoptera. page 172
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Psidium sp. Myrtaceae South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page 89
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Quercus robur Fagaceae South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page 89 (as Q. pedunculata)
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Quercus sp. Fagaceae South Africa Fawcett J. M. 1903. Notes on the transformations of some South-African Lepidoptera. page 172
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Rhus laevigata Anacardiaceae South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page 90
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Rhus rehmanniana Anacardiaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Rhus villosa Anacardiaceae South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page 90
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Sapium ellipticum Euphorbiaceae Kenya Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Schinus molle Anacardiaceae South Africa Taylor J. S. 1946. Food-plants of some South African Lepidoptera. page 46
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Sclerocarya caffra Anacardiaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1974d. Pouoogmotte (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin. page 170
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Spathodea campanulata Bignoniaceae Kenya Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax (Westwood, 1849) Spathodea sp. Bignoniaceae Kenya Sevastopulo D. G. 1984. The Gesneriaceae and Bignoniaceae as food-plants of the Lepidoptera. page 236
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Ekebergia capensis Meliaceae South Africa Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Jasminum pubigerum Oleaceae South Africa Fawcett J. M. 1901. Notes on the transformations of some South-African Lepidoptera. page 306
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Jasminum sp. Oleaceae Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus caribaea Pinaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus greggii Pinaceae Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus patula Pinaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Pinus radiata Pinaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Protorhus longifolia Anacardiaceae South Africa Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Psidium guajava Myrtaceae South Africa Fawcett J. M. 1903. Notes on the transformations of some South-African Lepidoptera. page 172
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Psidium sp. Myrtaceae South Africa Jordan K. 1922b. A monograph of the Saturnian subfamily Ludiinae. page 258
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Quercus robur Fagaceae South Africa Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Quercus sp. Fagaceae South Africa Fawcett J. M. 1903. Notes on the transformations of some South-African Lepidoptera. page 172
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Rhus laevigata Anacardiaceae South Africa Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Rhus rehmanniana Anacardiaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Rhus villosa Anacardiaceae South Africa Pinhey E. C. G. 1972b. Emperor moths of South and South-Central Africa. page 116
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Sapium ellipticum Euphorbiaceae Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Schinus molle Anacardiaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page 67
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Sclerocarya caffra Anacardiaceae South Africa Van den Berg M. A. 1974d. Pouoogmotte (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin. page 170
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) Spathodea campanulata Bignoniaceae Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 405
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Holocerina smilax basquini Darge, 1986 Darge, 1986 subspecies Accepted Holocerina smilax basquini
Holocerina smilax smilax (Westwood, 1849) (Westwood, 1849) subspecies Accepted Saturnia smilax smilax
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination