Neotelphusa similella Janse, 1958

Higher taxa: Gelechiidae (family)/  Gelechiinae (subfamily)/  Litini (tribe)/  Neotelphusa (genus)/ 
Authorship:Janse, 1958
Citation:Neotelphusa similella spec. nov.
Original genus:Neotelphusa
Publication:Janse A. J. T. 1958a. The Moths of South Africa. VI. Gelechiadae.
Pagination:92–93; pls. 9, 38g, 51e, 71c, d
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Neotelphusa similella Janse, 1958 Holotype TMSA Holotype ♂, genitalia slide 8676♂, type no 3912, TMSA Zimbabwe [Zimbabwe], Bulawayo, 15–23.xii.1919, leg. A. J. T. Janse.
Neotelphusa similella Janse, 1958 Allotype TMSA Allotype ♀, TMSA Zimbabwe [Zimbabwe], Bulawayo, 15–23.xii.1919, leg. A. J. T. Janse.
Neotelphusa similella Janse, 1958 Paratype TMSA 4 Paratypes ♂, ♀, TMSA. Zimbabwe [Zimbabwe], Bulawayo, 15–23.xii.1919, leg. A. J. T. Janse.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Neotelphusa similella Janse, 1958 South Africa Limpopo Bidzilya O. V. 2021a. New host-plants records of Afrotropical Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera), with description of three new species. page 508
Neotelphusa similella Janse, 1958 Zimbabwe Janse A. J. T. 1958a. The Moths of South Africa. VI. Gelechiadae. page 93
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Neotelphusa similella Janse, 1958 Ozoroa sphaerocarpa Anacardiaceae South Africa Bidzilya O. V. 2021a. New host-plants records of Afrotropical Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera), with description of three new species. page 508
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination