Prionapteryx Stephens, 1834

Higher taxa: Crambidae (family)/  Crambinae (subfamily)/  Ancylolomiini (tribe)/  Prionapteryx (genus)/ 
Authorship:Stephens, 1834
Taxon remarks:Type species: Prionapteryx nebulifera Stephens, 1834. lustrations of British Entomology or, a Synopsis of Indigenous Insects: containing their generic and specific distinctions with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, localities, food, and economy, .... Insecta Haustellata 4: 316. By monotypy.
Publication:Stephens J. F. 1834–1835. Illustrations of British Entomology or, a Synopsis of Indigenous Insects: containing their generic and specific distinctions with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, localities, food, and economy, ... Insecta Haustellata.
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination Images
Prionapteryx africalis Hampson, 1896 Hampson, 1896 species Accepted Prionapteryx africalis
Prionapteryx albescens (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis albescens
Prionapteryx albiceps (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis albiceps
Prionapteryx albimaculalis (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis albimaculalis
Prionapteryx albofascialis (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis albofascialis
Prionapteryx amathusia Bassi & Mey, 2011 Bassi & Mey, 2011 species Accepted Prionapteryx amathusia
Prionapteryx argentescens (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis argentescens
Prionapteryx banaadirensis Bassi, 2013 Bassi, 2013 species Accepted Prionapteryx banaadirensis
Prionapteryx brevivittalis Hampson, 1919 Hampson, 1919 species Accepted Prionapteryx brevivittalis
Prionapteryx diaplecta (Meyrick, 1936) (Meyrick, 1936) species Accepted Loxophantis diaplecta
Prionapteryx eberti Bassi & Mey, 2013 Bassi & Mey, 2013 species Accepted Prionapteryx eberti
Prionapteryx flavipars (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis flavipars
Prionapteryx helena Bassi, 2013 Bassi, 2013 species Accepted Prionapteryx helena
Prionapteryx molybdella (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis molybdella
Prionapteryx ochrifasciata (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Surattha ochrifasciata
Prionapteryx phaeomesa (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Surattha phaeomesa
Prionapteryx plumbealis (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Prosmixis plumbealis
Prionapteryx pretoriella (Błeszyński, 1970) (Błeszyński, 1970) species Synonym Loxophantis pretoriella
Prionapteryx rubricalis Hampson, 1919 Hampson, 1919 species Accepted Prionapteryx rubricalis
Prionapteryx rubrifusalis (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Surattha rubrifusalis
Prionapteryx scitulellus (Walker, 1866) (Walker, 1866) species Accepted Surattha scitulellus
Prionapteryx selenalis (Hampson, 1919) (Hampson, 1919) species Accepted Surattha selenalis
Prionapteryx somala Bassi, 2013 Bassi, 2013 species Accepted Prionapteryx somala
Prionapteryx splendida Bassi & Mey, 2011 Bassi & Mey, 2011 species Accepted Prionapteryx splendida
Prionapteryx texturella Zeller, 1877 Zeller, 1877 species Accepted Prionapteryx texturella
Prionapteryx triplecta (Meyrick, 1935) (Meyrick, 1935) species Accepted Loxophantis triplecta
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Alloea Turner, 1947 Turner, 1947 genus Misapplied
Calarina Walker, 1866 Walker, 1866 genus Synonym
Hypotomorpha Rebel, 1892 Rebel, 1892 genus Synonym
Loxophantis Meyrick, 1935 Meyrick, 1935 genus Synonym
Naurace Błeszyński & Collins, 1962 Błeszyński & Collins, 1962 genus Misapplied
Nuarace Walker, 1863 Walker, 1863 genus Synonym
Pindicitora Walker, 1863 Walker, 1863 genus Synonym
Pindicitra Shibuya, 1928 Shibuya, 1928 genus Misapplied
Platytesia Strand, 1918 Strand, 1918 genus Synonym
Prionopteryx Zeller, 1863 Zeller, 1863 genus Misapplied