Dombeya rotundifolia ((Hochst.) Harv.)

Higher taxa: Malvaceae (family)/  Dombeya (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Hochst.) Harv.
Species Country Publication
Anaphe reticulata Walker, 1855 South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page: 78
Atrasana concolor (Janse, 1920) South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page: 78
Emmelia nephele (Hampson, 1911) South Africa Hacker H. H., Fiebig R., Goater B., Schreier H.-P. & Stadie D. 2022. Moths of Africa. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera of Africa. Volume 3 Acontiinae (Noctuidae) (including Aediini Beck, 1960) based on traditional treatment). page: 141
Lophostethus dumolinii (Angas, 1849) Kenya Kühne L. 2008. Sphingidae, Eupterotidae, Bombycidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiinae, and Aganaidae. – In: Kühne, L. (Ed.) Butterflies and moth diversity of the Kakamega forest (Kenya). page: 82
Lophostethus dumolinii (Angas, 1849) South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page: 78
Phyllonorycter didymopa (Vári, 1961) South Africa Vári L. 1961. South African Lepidoptera. I. Lithocolletidae. page: 223
Phyllonorycter dombeyae De Prins, 2012 South Africa De Prins J. & Kawahara A. Y. 2012. Systematics, revisionary taxonomy, and biodiversity of Afrotropical Lithocolletinae (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) page: 90
Pteredoa monosticta (Butler, 1898) South Africa Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars. page: 390