Botyodes diniasalis (Walker, 1859) |
Poltavsky A. N., Kravchenko V. D., Traore M. M., Traore S. F., Gergely P., Witt T. J., Sulak H., Beck R. H.-T., Junnila A., Revay E. E., Doumbia S., Beier J. C. & Müller G. C. 2018b. The Pyraloidea (Lepidoptera) fauna of the woody savannah belt in Mali, West Africa. page: 47 |
Botyodes diniasalis (Walker, 1859) |
India |
Kumar A., Kumar J. & Pandey R. 2021. Biology of poplar leaf folder, Botyodes diniasalis Walk. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. page: 746 |
Catocala lesbia Christoph, 1887 |
Hacker H. H. 2001a. Fauna of the Nolidae and Noctuidae of the Levante with descriptions and taxonomic notes (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). Appendix: Revision genus Clytie Hübner, [1823]. page: 37 |
Catocala puerpera (Giorna, 1791) |
Hacker H. H. 2001a. Fauna of the Nolidae and Noctuidae of the Levante with descriptions and taxonomic notes (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). Appendix: Revision genus Clytie Hübner, [1823]. page: 39 |
Cerurina marshalli (Hampson, 1910) |
Tanzania |
Gardner J. C. M. 1957. An annotated list of East African forest insects. page: 36 |
Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758) |
Hackray J., Sarlet L. G. & Berger L. A. 1985. Catalogue des marolépidoptères de Belgique. Limacodidae, Psychidae, Cossidae, Hepialidae. page: 35 |
Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758) |
de Freina J. J. 1994. Beitrag zur systematischen Erfassung der Bombyces- und Sphinges-Fauna Kleinasiens. Weitere Kenntnisse über Artenspektrum, Systematik und Verbreitung von Cossidae, Psychidae, Cochlididae, Syntomidae, Saturniidae, Brahmaeidae, Psychidae, Axiidae, ... page: 319 |
Eulophonotus myrmeleon Felder, 1874 |
Gardner J. C. M. 1957. An annotated list of East African forest insects. page: 34 |
Eutricha capensis (Linnaeus, 1767) |
Zolotuhin V. V. & Gurkovich A. V. 2009a. A review of the genus Pachypasa Walker, 1855 sensu lato in Africa (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). page: 34 |
Gypsonoma riparia Meyrick, 1933 |
India |
Diakonoff A. 1983c. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Lepidoptera: Fam. Tortricidae, Choreutidae, Brachodidae and Carposinidae. page: 26 |
Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner, 1808) |
Madagascar |
Paulian R. & Viette P. 1956. Essai d'un catalogue biologique des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Tananarive. page: 209 |
Pandesma robusta (Walker, 1858) |
Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Aistleitner E. 2010. Noctuidae of Cape Verde Islands (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). page: 24 |
Pseudobunaea irius (Fabricius, 1793) |
South Africa |
Van den Berg M. A. 1973a. Host plants of three saturniids and the degree of defoliation they can cause to Pinus patula Schlechtd. & Cham. page: 67 |
Streblote siva (Lefèbvre, 1827) |
Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page: 46 |
Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus, 1761) |
Yakovlev R. V. 2010. Cossidae of Israel. page: 468 |