Oxyanthus None

Higher taxa: Rubiaceae (family)/  Oxyanthus (genus)/ 
Species Country Publication
Aletis helcita (Linnaeus, 1763) Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 194
Aletis helcita helcita (Linnaeus, 1763) Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 194
Aletis libyssa Hopffer, 1857 Mozambique Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page: 109
Aletis libyssa Hopffer, 1857 Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 194
Aletis libyssa Hopffer, 1857 Mozambique Prout L. B. 1929–1938. Die Spannerartigen Nachtfalter (Geometridae). Die Afrikanischen Spanner. Geometridae. – In: Seitz A. (ed.) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine Systematische Bearbeitung der bis jetzt bekannten Gross-Schmetterlinge. page: 8
Aletis libyssa libyssa Hopffer, 1858 Mozambique Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page: 109
Aletis libyssa libyssa Hopffer, 1858 Mozambique Prout L. B. 1929–1938. Die Spannerartigen Nachtfalter (Geometridae). Die Afrikanischen Spanner. Geometridae. – In: Seitz A. (ed.) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine Systematische Bearbeitung der bis jetzt bekannten Gross-Schmetterlinge. page: 8
Blastobasis kenya Adamski, 2010 Kenya Adamski D., Copeland R. S., Miller S. E., Hebert P. D. N., Darrow K. & Luke Q. 2010. A review of African Blastobasidae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae), with new taxa reared from native fruits in Kenya. page: 20
Cephonodes hylas (Linnaeus, 1771) Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 177
Cephonodes hylas virescens (Wallengren, 1865) Nigeria MacNulty B. J. 1970. Outline life histories of some West African Lepidoptera. Part III Sphingidae. page: 104
Leucoptera caffeina Washbourn, 1940 Tanzania Bigger M. 1967. Pest profiles II – Leaf miners. page: 151
Thaumatotibia batrachopa (Meyrick, 1908) Kenya Brown J. W., Copeland R. S., Aarvik L., Miller S. M., Rosati S. E. & Luke Q. 2014. Host records for fruit-feeding Afrotropical Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). page: 360

Scientific Name Authorship Rank
Oxyanthus brevi-floris None species
Oxyanthus formosus Hook f. species
Oxyanthus goetzei K. Schum. species
Oxyanthus latifolius Sond. species
Oxyanthus monteiroi None species
Oxyanthus sp. None species
Oxyanthus speciosus DC. species
Oxyanthus unilocularis Hiern species