Bactra simpliciana Chrétien, 1915 |
Algeria |
Chrétien P. 1915. Contribution à la connaissance des Lépidoptères du Nord de l'Afrique. page: 302 |
Carelis australis Moyal et al., 2010 |
Tanzania |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 656 |
Carelis biluma (Nye, 1959) |
Madagascar |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 656 |
Cosmopterix crassicervicella Chrétien, 1896 |
Koster J. C. & Sinev S. Yu. 2003. Momphidae, Batrachedridae, Stathmopodidae, Agonoxenidae, Cosmopterigidae, Chrysopeleiidae. – In: Huemer, P., Karsholt, O. & Lyneborg, L. (Eds.) Microlepidoptera of Europe. page: 117 |
Eldana saccharina Walker, 1865 |
South Africa |
Prinsloo G. L. & Uys V. M. (Eds.) 2015. Insects of cultivated plants and natural pastures in Southern Africa. page: 170 |
Laelia figlina Distant, 1899 |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1975. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2 – moths (Heterocera). page: 181 |
Laelia subrosea (Walker, 1855) |
Kenya |
Townsend A. L. H. 1944. Further notes on the early stages of Heterocera bred in the Nakuru District. Series IV. page: 22 (as xyleutes) |
Laelia subrosea (Walker, 1855) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1952. Field notes from East Africa (6). page: 181 (as xyleutes) |
Phiala dasypoda Wallengren, 1860 |
South Africa |
Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page: 77 |
Pirateolea nola Moyal et al., 2010 |
South Africa |
Moyal P. 1988. Les foreurs du maïs en zone des savanes de Côte-d'Ivoire. Données morphologiques, biologiques, écologiques. Essais de lutte et relation plante-insecte. page: 651 |
Pirateolea piscator (Fletcher D. S., 1961) |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 651 |
Rigema ornata Walker, 1865 |
South Africa |
Schintlmeister A. & Witt T. J. 2015. The Notodontidae of South Africa including Swaziland and Lesotho (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). page: 94 |
Rigema woerdeni (Snellen, 1872) |
Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page: 180 |
Sciomesa mesophaea (Aurivillius, 1910) |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 648 |
Sciomesa mesophaea (Aurivillius, 1910) |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 648 |
Sciomesa mesophaea (Aurivillius, 1910) |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 648 |
Sciomesa mesophaea (Aurivillius, 1910) |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 648 |
Sciomesa mesophaea (Aurivillius, 1910) |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 648 |
Sciomesa mesophaea (Aurivillius, 1910) |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 648 |
Sciomesa scotochroa (Hampson, 1914) |
South Africa |
Moyal P., Le Ru B., Conlong D., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Matama-Kauma T., Pallangyo B. & van den Berg J. 2010. Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page: 648 |
Sesamia calamistis Hampson, 1910 |
Kenya |
Hévin N. M.-C., Kergoat G. J., Zilli A., Capdevielle-Dulac C., Musyoka B. K., Sezonlin M., Conlong D., Van Den Berg J., Ndemah R., Le Gall Ph., Cugala D., Nyamukondiwa C., Pallangyo B., Njaku M., Goftishu M., Assefa Y., Kandonda O. M. (...) & Le Ru B. 2024. Revisiting the taxonomy and molecular systematics of Sesamia stemborers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Apameini: Sesamiina): updated classification and comparative evaluation of species delimitation methods. page: 453 |
Sesamia calamistis Hampson, 1910 |
South Africa |
Prinsloo G. L. & Uys V. M. (Eds.) 2015. Insects of cultivated plants and natural pastures in Southern Africa. page: 114 |