Hypena cowani Viette, 1968

Higher taxa: Erebidae (family)/  Hypeninae (subfamily)/  Hypena (genus)/  Trichypena (subgenus)/ 
Authorship:Viette, 1968
Citation:Hypena cowani n. sp.
Original genus:Hypena
Publication:Viette P. 1968c. Noctuelles quadrifides de Madagascar nouvelles ou peu connues, III (Lep. Noctuidae).
Pagination:17, fig. 8
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Holotype MNHN Holotype ♂, genitalia slide M. Lödl 341♂, MNHN. Madagascar Madagascar E, road from Moramanga to Anosibe at km 57, 17.ii.1955, leg. P. Viette.
Distribution note:

The records of continental Africa (Lödl 1994h: 471) need confirmation; confirmed by H. Hacker (2021: 123).

Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Angola Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 123
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Cameroon Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 123
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 123
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Côte d'Ivoire Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 123
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Equatorial Guinea Bioko Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 123
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Ethiopia Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 123
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Gabon Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 123
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Liberia page M. Stanton
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Madagascar Viette P. 1968c. Noctuelles quadrifides de Madagascar nouvelles ou peu connues, III (Lep. Noctuidae). page 17
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Nigeria Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 471
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Sao Tome & Principe São Tomé Wojtusiak J. 1996c. The check-list of the Noctuidae Moths of the São Tomé and Principe Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, with notes on their geographical distribution. Part III. Catocalinae, Ophiderinae, Hypeninae, Hypenodinae. page 691
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Sierra Leone page R. Goff
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Tanzania page NHMO
Hypena cowani Viette, 1968 Uganda Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 471
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination