Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915)

Higher taxa: Erebidae (family)/  Hypeninae (subfamily)/  Hypena (genus)/  Ametropalpis (subgenus)/ 
Authorship:(Strand, 1915)
Citation:Orixa (Wlk.) limbopunctata Strand nov. spec.
Original genus:Orixa
Publication:Strand E. 1915a. Lepidoptera aus Bonaberi in Kamerun, gesammelt von Herrn E. Hintz.
Journal:Entomologische Mitteilungen
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Syntype MfN Syntypes 2♂, 1♀, MfN. Cameroon Cameroon, Bonaberi, xi–xii.1910, leg. E. Hintz.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Cameroon Strand E. 1915a. Lepidoptera aus Bonaberi in Kamerun, gesammelt von Herrn E. Hintz. page 162
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the South Kivu Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 163
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Equatorial Guinea Bioko Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 163
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Ethiopia Rougeot P.-C., Bourgogne J. & Laporte B. 1991. Les Lépidoptères Hétérocères d'Afrique orientale. page 435 (as albistrigata)
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Kenya Wojtusiak J. 1996c. The check-list of the Noctuidae Moths of the São Tomé and Principe Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, with notes on their geographical distribution. Part III. Catocalinae, Ophiderinae, Hypeninae, Hypenodinae. page 691 (as mutilata)
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Malawi page MGCL
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Rwanda Strand E. 1909d. Lepidoptera aus Deutsch-Ostafrika, gesammelt von Herrn Oberleutnant Wintgens. page 691 (as mutilata)
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Sao Tome & Principe São Tomé Prout A. E. 1927. A list of Noctuidae with descriptions of new forms collected in the island of São Thomé by T. A. Barns. page 230 (as effusa)
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Tanzania Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 163
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Uganda Fletcher D. S. 1961. Ruwenzori Expedition 1952. – Noctuidae. page 246 (as mutilata)
Hypena limbopunctata (Strand, 1915) Zimbabwe Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 163
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Hypena albistrigata (Laporte, 1991) (Laporte, 1991) species Synonym Ametropalpis albistrigata
Hypena effusa (Prout A. E., 1927) (Prout A. E., 1927) species Synonym Orixa effusa
Hypena mutilata (Strand, 1909) (Strand, 1909) species Synonym Orixa mutilata