Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852

Higher taxa: Tineidae (family)/  Setomorphinae (subfamily)/  Setomorpha (genus)/ 
Authorship:Zeller, 1852
Citation:[Setomorpha] Rutella
Original genus:Setomorpha
Publication:Zeller P. C. 1852b. Lepidoptera Microptera, quae J. A. Wahlberg in Caffrorum terra collegit.
Journal:Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Nye Handlingar
Volume:(Ser. 3) 40
Name(English):Tropical Tobacco Moth
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Lectotype NHMUK Lectotype ♂, genitalia slide A. Diakonoff xxxx♂, NHMUK South Africa [South Africa, Limpopo], "Habitat in tractibus fluviorum Limpoponis et Gariepis", leg. J. A. Wahlberg. Diakonoff A. 1938. Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera. 1. Notes on the Tropical Tobacco Moth, Setomorpha rutella Zeller. (Tineidae). page 94–95
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Lectotype NHMUK Paralectotypes 2♀, NHMUK, SNHM (see A. Diakonoff 1938: 401 South Africa [South Africa, Limpopo], "Habitat in tractibus fluviorum Limpoponis et Gariepis", leg. J. A. Wahlberg. Diakonoff A. 1938. Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera. 1. Notes on the Tropical Tobacco Moth, Setomorpha rutella Zeller. (Tineidae). page 94–95
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 unknown P. Viette 1955e: 534). South Africa [South Africa, Limpopo], "Habitat in tractibus fluviorum Limpoponis et Gariepis", leg. J. A. Wahlberg. Diakonoff A. 1938. Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera. 1. Notes on the Tropical Tobacco Moth, Setomorpha rutella Zeller. (Tineidae). page 94–95
Distribution note:

Australasia: Australia (New South Wales, Queensland), French Polynesia, Hawaii, New Caledonia; Nearctic: U.S.A. (Texas); Neotropical: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico; Oriental: India, Indonesia (Java, Sumatra), Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi; Palaearctic: Canary Islands (introduced), United Kingdom (introduced).

Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Central African Republic Gozmány L. A. 1966c. A Tineid material (Lepidoptera) from Bangui, Central African Republic. page 257
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 12
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Bas Congo Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 12
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Equateur Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 12
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Gambia page R. Goff
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Ghana Diakonoff A. 1938. Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera. 1. Notes on the Tropical Tobacco Moth, Setomorpha rutella Zeller. (Tineidae). page 413
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Madagascar Paulian R. & Viette P. 1956. Essai d'un catalogue biologique des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Tananarive. page 146
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Mauritius Meyrick E. 1930c. Microlepidoptera of Mauritius. page 323
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Réunion Guillermet C. 2011c. Les Hétérocères ou papillons de nuit, de l'île de La Réunion. page 28
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena Karisch T. 2022b. First records of two non-indigenous tineid species from St Helena Island (Tineioidia [sic]: Tineidae). page 70 (introduced)
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Seychelles Silhouette Gerlach J. 1998b. Additions and corrections to the Silhouette species list. page 83
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Seychelles Mahé Meyrick E. 1911e. Tortricina and Tineina. Results of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905. page 302
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Sierra Leone Gozmány L. A. 1968b. Some Tineid moths of the Ethiopian Region in the collections of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). II. page 315
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 South Africa Limpopo Zeller P. C. 1852b. Lepidoptera Microptera, quae J. A. Wahlberg in Caffrorum terra collegit. page 95
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Davis D. R. & Davis M. M. 2020. New species and records of moths from African caves (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). page 592
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Uganda Diakonoff A. 1938. Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera. 1. Notes on the Tropical Tobacco Moth, Setomorpha rutella Zeller. (Tineidae). page 413
Plant note:

see A. Diakonoff (1938: 411–412), J. Ghesquière (1940a: 11–14) and L. A. Gozmány & L. Vári (1973: 83). On bats guano (see D. R. Davis & M. M. Davis 2020: 592).

Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Albizia sp. Fabaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Citrus sp. Rutaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Cocos nucifera Palmae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Coffea arabica Rubiaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Dioscorea sp. Dioscoreaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Erythroxylum sp. Erythroxylaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Gossypium sp. Malvaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Ipomoea batatas Convolvulaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Solanum sp. Solanaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Undefined Decaying animal matter Undefined Gozmány L. A. & Vári L. 1973. The Tineidae of the Ethiopian Region. page 83
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Undefined Decaying vegetable matter Undefined Gozmány L. A. & Vári L. 1973. The Tineidae of the Ethiopian Region. page 83
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Undefined Mosses Undefined Gozmány L. A. & Vári L. 1973. The Tineidae of the Ethiopian Region. page 83
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Undefined coprophagous Undefined South Africa Davis D. R. & Davis M. M. 2020. New species and records of moths from African caves (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). page 592
Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 20
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Setomorpha cariosella (Dietz, 1905) (Dietz, 1905) species Synonym Epilegis cariosella
Setomorpha contestata Meyrick, 1922 Meyrick, 1922 species Synonym Setomorpha contestata
Setomorpha corticinella Snellen, 1885 Snellen, 1885 species Synonym Setomorpha corticinella
Setomorpha discipunctella Rebel, 1892 Rebel, 1892 species Synonym Setomorpha discipunctella
Setomorpha dryas (Butler, 1881) (Butler, 1881) species Synonym Chrestotes dryas
Setomorpha euryspoda (Lower, 1918) (Lower, 1918) species Synonym Trisyntopa euryspoda
Setomorpha fractiliniella (Dietz, 1905) (Dietz, 1905) species Synonym Apotomia fractiliniella
Setomorpha inamoenella Zeller, 1873 Zeller, 1873 species Synonym Setomorpha inamoenella
Setomorpha majorella Dietz, 1905 Dietz, 1905 species Synonym Setomorpha majorella
Setomorpha margalaestriata Keuchenius, 1917 Keuchenius, 1917 species Synonym Setomorpha margalaestriata
Setomorpha multimaculella (Chambers, 1878) (Chambers, 1878) species Synonym Gelechia multimaculella
Setomorpha nitella Voûte, 1935 Voûte, 1935 species Misapplied Setomorpha nitella
Setomorpha operosella Zeller, 1873 Zeller, 1873 species Synonym Setomorpha operosella
Setomorpha ruderella Zeller, 1873 Zeller, 1873 species Synonym Setomorpha ruderella
Setomorpha rupicella Zeller, 1852 Zeller, 1852 species Synonym Setomorpha rupicella
Setomorpha sigmoidella Dietz, 1905 Dietz, 1905 species Synonym Setomorpha sigmoidella
Setomorpha tineoides Dammerman, 1919 Dammerman, 1919 species Synonym Setomorpha tineoides
Setomorpha transversestrigella (Dietz, 1905) (Dietz, 1905) species Synonym Semiota transversestrigella