Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916)

Higher taxa: Geometridae (family)/  Sterrhinae (subfamily)/  Scopulini (tribe)/  Scopula (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Prout L. B., 1916)
Citation:Acidalia nepheloperas, sp. n.
Original genus:Acidalia
Publication:Prout L. B. 1916b. Geometridae. – In: Poulton E. B. On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather.
Journal:Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK Somalia Somalia N, Somaliland, Mandera, 47 miles SW of Berbera, 3000 ft, 24.iii.1909, leg. W. Feather.
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Paratype NHMUK Paratypes 2♂, 6♀, NHMUK, OUMNH. Somalia Somalia N, Somaliland, Mandera, 47 miles SW of Berbera, 3000 ft, 24.iii.1909, leg. W. Feather.

DNA voucher(s)
BC ZSM Lep 60560 
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Kenya Hausmann A., Stadie D. & Fiebig R. 2016. Family Geometridae Leach, [1815]. – In: Hacker H. (Ed.), Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea, Zygaenoidea, Thyridoidea and Hyblaeoidea of the Arabia Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepidoptera). page 86
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Niger Rothschild W. 1921b. On the Lepidoptera collected by Capt. A. Buchanan in Northern Nigeria and the Southern Sahara in 1919–1920. Geometridae. page 216
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Oman Wiltshire E. P. 1977b. The scientific results of the Oman flora and fauna survey 1975. Lepidoptera: Part I Families Cossidae, Pyralidae, Geometridae, Sphingidae, Arctiidae, Lymantriidae and Noctuidae. Part II A list of further Lepidoptera-Heterocera from Oman. Part III Pyral... page 166
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Saudi Arabia Wiltshire E. P. 1980a. Lepidoptera: Fam. Cossidae, Limacodidae, Sesiidae, Lasiocampidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Geometridae, Lymantriidae, Nolidae, Arctiidae, Agaristidae, Noctuidae, Ctenuchidae. – In: Wittmer & Büttiker (eds.), Fauna of Saudi Arabia 2. page 192
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Somalia Prout L. B. 1916b. Geometridae. – In: Poulton E. B. On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather. page 151
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Sudan Prout L. B. 1916b. Geometridae. – In: Poulton E. B. On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather. page 151
Scopula nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Yemen Hausmann A. 1999. Geometrid moth species from Yemen (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). page 291
Scopula nepheloperas aidasi Hausmann, 2009 Oman Hausmann A. 2009c. New and interesting geometrid moths from Dhofar, southern Oman (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). page 115
Scopula nepheloperas nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Somalia Prout L. B. 1916b. Geometridae. – In: Poulton E. B. On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather. page 151
Scopula nepheloperas nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) Sudan Prout L. B. 1916b. Geometridae. – In: Poulton E. B. On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather. page 151
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scopula nepheloperas aidasi Hausmann, 2009 Hausmann, 2009 subspecies Accepted Scopula nepheloperas aidasi
Scopula nepheloperas nepheloperas (Prout L. B., 1916) (Prout L. B., 1916) subspecies Accepted Acidalia nepheloperas nepheloperas
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination