Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862)

Higher taxa: Geometridae (family)/  Ennominae (subfamily)/  Boarmiini (tribe)/  Xylopteryx (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Walker, 1862)
Citation:Larentia ? arcuata
Original genus:Larentia
Publication:Walker F. 1862a. List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part XXIV.– Geometrites (continued).
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. South Africa [South Africa, Cape Province], Cape, leg. A. Smith.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Ethiopia page ZSM
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Kenya Warren W. 1902b. New African Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Epiplemidae, and Geometridae in the Tring Museum. page 526 (as albimaculata)
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) South Africa Free State Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) South Africa Gauteng page J. Heyns
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) South Africa Eastern Cape Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) South Africa Western Cape Walker F. 1862a. List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part XXIV.– Geometrites (continued). page 1192
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Zimbabwe Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Plant note:

Description of the larva in A. L. H. Townsend (1938: 179).

Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Allophylus natalensis Sapindaceae South Africa Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Gymnosporia sp. Celastraceae Kenya Townsend A. L. H. 1938. Further notes on the early stages of Heterocera bred in the Nakuru District. page 179 (as albimaculata)
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Maerua sp. Capparidaceae Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page 195
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Maerua sp. Capparidaceae Kenya Townsend A. L. H. 1938. Further notes on the early stages of Heterocera bred in the Nakuru District. page 179 (as albimaculata)
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Maytenus sp. Celastraceae Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page 195
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Rhus villosa Anacardiaceae South Africa Platt E. E. 1921. List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. page 90
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Searsia burchellii Anacardiaceae South Africa Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Searsia dentata Anacardiaceae South Africa Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Searsia lucida Anacardiaceae South Africa Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Xylopteryx arcuata (Walker, 1862) Searsia pyroides Anacardiaceae South Africa Krüger M. 2019b. Geometridae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 398
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Xylopteryx albimaculata (Warren, 1902) (Warren, 1902) species Synonym Scotopteryx albimaculata
Xylopteryx laticinctata (Walker, 1862) (Walker, 1862) species Synonym Cidaria laticinctata
Xylopteryx sublactata (Janse, 1932) (Janse, 1932) species Misapplied Larentia sublactata
Xylopteryx sublectata (Walker, 1862) (Walker, 1862) species Synonym Larentia sublectata