Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902)

Higher taxa: Noctuidae (family)/  Eustrotiinae (subfamily)/  Acontiola (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Hampson, 1902)
Citation:Metachrostis heliastis, n. sp.
Original genus:Metachrostis
Publication:Hampson G. F. 1902a. The moths of South Africa (Part II).
Journal:Annals of the South African Museum
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. Kenya Kenya, British East Africa, Teita [Taita Hills], 2500–3000 ft, i.1892, leg. F. J. Jackson.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Botswana Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 233
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Cameroon Berio E. 1950a. Terzo contributo alla conoscenza del gen. Ozarba Wlk. (Lep. Noctuidae). Sulla sistematica di alcune specie ascritte a questo genere. page 146
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Eritrea Berio E. 1940a. Contributo alla conoscenza dei lepidotteri eteroceri dell'Eritrea III. Eteroceri raccolti dal cap. Richini ad Adi-Abuna (Adua) in marzo-aprile 1939. page 24
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Ethiopia Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page 499
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Gambia page R. Goff
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Kenya Hampson G. F. 1902a. The moths of South Africa (Part II). page 410
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Malawi Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 233
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Namibia Hacker H. H. 2004b. Nolidae and Noctuidae (excluding Catocalinae: Audeini and Tachosini) (Lepidoptera). – In: Mey, Z. (Ed.) The Lepidoptera of the Brandberg Massif in Namibia. page 277
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Saudi Arabia Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page 499
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Somalia Berio E. 1985b. I nottuidi raccolti in Somalia del Prof. Simonetta nel 1978–79, con descrizione di nuovi taxa. page 13
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) South Africa Eastern Cape Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 233
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) South Africa Hampson G. F. 1902a. The moths of South Africa (Part II). page 410
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) South Africa Free State Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 233
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Tanzania Berio E. 1956d. Eteroceri raccolti dal Dr. Carlo Prola durante la spedizione alle isole dell'Africa orientale con descrizione di specie nuove (Lepidoptera). page 84
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Uganda Hacker H. H. 2016a. Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Macroheterocera and Cossoidea Leach, [1815], Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809, Thyridoidea Herrich-Schäffer, 1846 and Hyblaeoidea Hampson, 1903 of the Arabian Peninsula, with a survey of their distribution (Lepid.). page 499
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Yemen Hacker H. H., Schreier H.-P. & Bischof A. 1999. Lepidoptera of Yemen Arab Republic, collected by A. Bischof, H. Hacker and H.-P. Schreier in autumn 1996 and B. Müller in summer 1987. page 277
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Zambia Hampson G. F. 1910c. Zoological collections from Northern Rhodesia and adjacent territories: Lepidoptera Phalaenae. page 407
Acontiola heliastis (Hampson, 1902) Zimbabwe Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 234
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination