Menophra dnophera plagifera (Prout L. B., 1939)

Higher taxa: Geometridae (family)/  Ennominae (subfamily)/  Boarmiini (tribe)/  Menophra (genus)/  Menophra dnophera (species)/ 
Authorship:(Prout L. B., 1939)
Citation:Hemerophila dnophera Ab. (? subsp.) plagifera nov.
Original genus:Hemerophila
Publication:Prout L. B. 1929–1938. Die Spannerartigen Nachtfalter (Geometridae). Die Afrikanischen Spanner. Geometridae. – In: Seitz A. (ed.) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine Systematische Bearbeitung der bis jetzt bekannten Gross-Schmetterlinge.
Pagination:[1954] 188; pl. 17, fig. g
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Menophra dnophera plagifera (Prout L. B., 1939) Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. Uganda Uganda, Bwamba Pass, 6000 ft, leg. G. D. H. Carpenter.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Menophra dnophera plagifera (Prout L. B., 1939) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Fletcher D. S. 1958b. Ruwenzori Expedition 1952. – Geometridae. page 134
Menophra dnophera plagifera (Prout L. B., 1939) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Fletcher D. S. 1963a. Exploration du Parc National Albert (deuxième série). 1. Geometridae; 2. Noctuidae. page 30
Menophra dnophera plagifera (Prout L. B., 1939) Rwanda Herbulot C. 1998a. Lépidoptères Geometridae récoltés par le Dr. J.-G. Canu dans l'île de Bioko (ex Fernando Poo) (Lepidoptera). page 290
Menophra dnophera plagifera (Prout L. B., 1939) Uganda Prout L. B. 1954. New species of African Geometridae. page 188
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination