Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903

Higher taxa: Sphingidae (family)/  Macroglossinae (subfamily)/  Macroglossini (tribe)/  Choerocampina (subtribe)/  Chaerocina (genus)/ 
Authorship:Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
Citation:Chaerocina dohertyi
Original genus:Chaerocina
Publication:Rothschild W. & Jordan K. 1903a. A revision of the lepidopterous family Sphingidae.
Journal:Novitates Zoologicae
Pagination:742; pl. 6, fig. 5
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. Kenya [Kenya], British East Africa, Kikuyu Escarpment, 6500–9000 ft, i–iii.1901, leg. W. Doherty.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Darge Ph. 2006b. Démembrement de l'espèce Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild et Jordan, 1903 et description de nouvelles sous-espèces (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 309 (as strangulata)
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Kenya Rothschild W. & Jordan K. 1903a. A revision of the lepidopterous family Sphingidae. page 742
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Malawi D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 188
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Rwanda Darge Ph. 2006b. Démembrement de l'espèce Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild et Jordan, 1903 et description de nouvelles sous-espèces (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 309
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Tanzania D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 188
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Uganda Carcasson R. H. 1968. Revised catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of the East African species. page 114
Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Zambia D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 188
Chaerocina dohertyi dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Kenya D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 186
Chaerocina dohertyi dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Malawi Joly C., Bernaud D., Pierre J. & Murphy R. J. 2008. Second entomological mission to Malawi. page 13
Chaerocina dohertyi dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Rwanda Darge Ph. 2006b. Démembrement de l'espèce Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild et Jordan, 1903 et description de nouvelles sous-espèces (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 309
Chaerocina dohertyi dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Uganda D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 186
Chaerocina dohertyi strangulata Darge, 2006 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Darge Ph. 2006b. Démembrement de l'espèce Chaerocina dohertyi Rothschild et Jordan, 1903 et description de nouvelles sous-espèces (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). page 309
Chaerocina dohertyi strangulata Darge, 2006 Malawi D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 188
Chaerocina dohertyi strangulata Darge, 2006 Tanzania D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 188
Chaerocina dohertyi strangulata Darge, 2006 Zambia D'Abrera B. 1987. Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the world based on a checklist by Alan Hayes and the collection he curated in the British Museum (Natural History). page 188
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Chaerocina dohertyi dohertyi Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 subspecies Accepted Chaerocina dohertyi dohertyi
Chaerocina dohertyi strangulata Darge, 2006 Darge, 2006 subspecies Accepted Chaerocina dohertyi strangulata
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination