Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847

Higher taxa: Tortricidae (family)/  Olethreutinae (subfamily)/  Eucosmini (tribe)/  Crocidosema (genus)/ 
Authorship:Zeller, 1847
Citation:Crocidosema Plebejana n. sp.
Original genus:Crocidosema
Publication:Zeller P. C. 1847b. Bemerkungen über die auf einer Reise nach Italien und Sicilien beobachteten Schmetterlingsarten.
Journal:Isis von Oken
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Holotype NHMW Holotype ♂, NHMW. Italy [Italy], Sicily, Syracusa, 12.v, leg. Zeller.
Distribution note:

Cosmopolitan in tropical and subtropical regions, and sometimes occurring in temperate zones (J. D. Bradley 1965: 93).

Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Meyrick E. 1938a. Exploration du Parc National Albert. Pterophoridae, Tortricina and Tineina. page 8 (introduced)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 96
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Kenya Meyrick E. 1920a. Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale (1911–1912). Résultats Scientifiques. Insectes Lépidoptères II. Microlepidoptera. page 57
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Madagascar Diakonoff A. 1992. Tortricidae from Madagascar Part 2. Olethreutinae, 7. page 46 (as bostrychodes)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Mauritius Rodrigues Meyrick E. 1924a. Micro-Lepidoptera of Rodriguez. page 546 (introduced)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Mozambique Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars. page 40 (map)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Oman Monks J., Ross S., Geiser M., De Prins J., Sharaf M., Wyatt N., Al Rijeibi S. & Polaszek A. 2019. A preliminary survey of the insect fauna of the Hajar Mountain Range, Oman. page 946
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Réunion Bippus M. 2016d. New or poorly known Microlepidoptera from the Mascarenes (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae, Bedellidae, Batrachedridae, Carposinidae, Epermeniidae, Gelechiidae, Tineidae, Tortricidae). page 368
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena Wollaston T. V. 1879. Notes on the Lepidoptera of St. Helena, with descriptions of new species. page 341
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Ascension Robinson G. S. & Kirke C. M. S. 1990. Lepidoptera of Ascension Island – a review. page 133
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Sao Tome & Principe São Tomé Meyrick E. 1934b. The Percy Sladen and Godman Trusts Expedition to the Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, October 1932 March 1933. III. Micro-Lepidoptera. page 404
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Saudi Arabia Amsel H. G. 1958b. Kleinschmetterlinge aus Nordost-Arabien der Ausbeute A. S. Talhouk. page 76
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Seychelles Farquhar Meyrick E. 1911e. Tortricina and Tineina. Results of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905. page 268 (introduced)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Seychelles Mahé Joannis J. de 1894. Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud des îles Seychelles. page 437
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Seychelles Bird Meyrick E. 1911e. Tortricina and Tineina. Results of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905. page 268 (introduced)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Seychelles Silhouette Gerlach J. & Matyot P. 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. page 61
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Somalia Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 96
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 South Africa Mpumalanga Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars. page 40 (map)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 38
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 South Africa Eastern Cape Aarvik L. 2019. Tortricidae (Tortricoidea). – In: Mey W. & Krüger M. (Eds), The Lepidoptera fauna of a crater valley in the Great Escarpment of South Africa: The Asante Sana Project. page 326
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 South Africa Western Cape Staude H. S., Picker M. & Griffiths Ch. 2023. Southern African moths & their caterpillars. page 40
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 South Africa Gauteng Meyrick E. 1908b. Descriptions of African Micro-Lepidoptera. page 720 (introduced)
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Sudan Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 96
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Uganda Bradley J. D. 1965b. Ruwenzori Expedition 1952. – Microlepidoptera. page 93
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 United Arab Emirates Groenen F. & Aarvik L. 2008. Order Lepidoptera, family Tortricidae. – In: van Harten, A. (ed.) Arthropod fauna of the UAE Volume I. page 451
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Yemen Amsel H. G. 1961a. Microlepidopteren aus SW-Arabien der Ausbeuten H. Scott und E. B. Britton, 1937/38. page 52
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Zimbabwe Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 38
Plant note:

On seeds of Malvaceae (see J. D. Bradley 1965: 93).

Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Abutilon longicuspe Malvaceae Kenya Brown J. W., Copeland R. S., Aarvik L., Miller S. M., Rosati S. E. & Luke Q. 2014. Host records for fruit-feeding Afrotropical Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). page 357
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Abutilon sp. Malvaceae Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 96
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Althaea pallida Malvaceae Diakonoff A. 1983c. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Lepidoptera: Fam. Tortricidae, Choreutidae, Brachodidae and Carposinidae. page 264
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Crataegus sp. Rosaceae Diakonoff A. 1983c. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Lepidoptera: Fam. Tortricidae, Choreutidae, Brachodidae and Carposinidae. page 264
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Gossypium sp. Malvaceae Diakonoff A. 1983b. Tortricidae from Madagascar Part 2. Olethreutinae, 2 (Lepidoptera). page 264
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Hibiscus sp. Malvaceae Ghesquière J. 1940a. Lépidoptères Microlépidoptères (première partie). page 45
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Lavatera arborea Malvaceae France Millière P. 1863b. Iconographie et description de chenilles et lépidoptères inedits. Septième livraison. page 35
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Malva moschata Malvaceae Diakonoff A. 1967. Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands. page 264
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Malva silvestris Malvaceae Diakonoff A. 1983c. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Lepidoptera: Fam. Tortricidae, Choreutidae, Brachodidae and Carposinidae. page 264
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Malva sp. Malvaceae Seychelles Meyrick E. 1911e. Tortricina and Tineina. Results of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905. page 268
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Pavonia urens Malvaceae Kenya Brown J. W., Copeland R. S., Aarvik L., Miller S. M., Rosati S. E. & Luke Q. 2014. Host records for fruit-feeding Afrotropical Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). page 357
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Senna occidentalis Fabaceae Australia Horak M. 2006. Olethreutine moths of Australia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). page 305
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Sida rhombifolia Malvaceae Réunion Bippus M. 2016d. New or poorly known Microlepidoptera from the Mascarenes (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae, Bedellidae, Batrachedridae, Carposinidae, Epermeniidae, Gelechiidae, Tineidae, Tortricidae). page 368
Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1847 Zea mays Poaceae Diakonoff A. 1983c. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Lepidoptera: Fam. Tortricidae, Choreutidae, Brachodidae and Carposinidae. page 264
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Crocidosema altheana (Mann, 1855) (Mann, 1855) species Synonym Penthina altheana
Crocidosema blackburnii (Butler, 1881) (Butler, 1881) species Synonym Proteopteryx blackburnii
Crocidosema bostrychodes Diakonoff, 1992 Diakonoff, 1992 species Synonym Crocidosema bostrychodes
Crocidosema charmera (Turner, 1946) (Turner, 1946) species Synonym Eucosma charmera
Crocidosema insulana Aurivillius, 1922 Aurivillius, 1922 species Synonym Crocidosema insulana
Crocidosema lavaterana (Millière, 1863) (Millière, 1863) species Synonym Paedisca lavaterana
Crocidosema obscura (Wollaston E., 1879) (Wollaston E., 1879) species Synonym Steganoptycha obscura
Crocidosema peregrinana (Möschler, 1866) (Möschler, 1866) species Synonym Grapholita peregrinana
Crocidosema philadelpha (Diakonoff, 1983) (Diakonoff, 1983) species Misapplied Crocidosema philadelpha
Crocidosema plebeiana Meyrick, 1881 Meyrick, 1881 species Misapplied Crocidosema plebeiana
Crocidosema ptiladelpha Meyrick, 1917 Meyrick, 1917 species Synonym Crocidosema ptiladelpha
Crocidosema synneurota Meyrick, 1926 Meyrick, 1926 species Synonym Crocidosema synneurota
Crocidosema tornocycla (Turner, 1946) (Turner, 1946) species Synonym Eucosma tornocycla