Melinoessa asteria Prout L. B., 1934

Higher taxa: Geometridae (family)/  Ennominae (subfamily)/  UnassignedEnnominae (tribe)/  Melinoessa (genus)/ 
Authorship:Prout L. B., 1934
Citation:Melinoëssa asteria sp. n.
Original genus:Melinoessa
Publication:Prout L. B. 1934a. New species and subspecies of Geometridae.
Journal:Novitates Zoologicae
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Melinoessa asteria Prout L. B., 1934 Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. Cameroon Cameroon, Bitje [Bitye], Ja [Dja] river, 1913, leg. G. L. Bates.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Melinoessa asteria Prout L. B., 1934 Cameroon Prout L. B. 1934a. New species and subspecies of Geometridae. page 135
Melinoessa asteria Prout L. B., 1934 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Prout L. B. 1934a. New species and subspecies of Geometridae. page 135
Melinoessa asteria Prout L. B., 1934 Equatorial Guinea Bioko Prout L. B. 1934a. New species and subspecies of Geometridae. page 135
Melinoessa asteria Prout L. B., 1934 Gabon Prout L. B. 1934a. New species and subspecies of Geometridae. page 135
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination