Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Cameroon |
Aurivillius C. 1925b. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zweiten Deutschen Zentralafrika-Expedition 1910–1911 unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzog zu Mecklenburg. Band 1 Zoologie, Lieferung 18, Lepidoptera IV. page 1270 |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Orientale |
Holland W. J. 1920. Lepidoptera of the Congo, being a systematic list of the butterflies and moths collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition, together with descriptions of some hitherto undescribed species. page 304 |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Côte d'Ivoire |
page MGCL |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Gabon |
Aurivillius C. 1892. Verzeichniss einer von Herrn Fritz Theorin aus Gabon und dem Gebiete des Camerunflusses heimgebrachten Schmetterlings-Sammlung. II. Heterocera. page 195 |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Ghana |
page MGCL |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Kenya |
Kühne L. 2008. Sphingidae, Eupterotidae, Bombycidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiinae, and Aganaidae. – In: Kühne, L. (Ed.) Butterflies and moth diversity of the Kakamega forest (Kenya). page 118 |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Nigeria |
page NHMUK |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Sierra Leone |
page NHMUK |
Parajana gabunica (Aurivillius, 1892) |
Uganda |
page P. Basquin |