Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956

Higher taxa: Erebidae (family)/  Lymantriinae (subfamily)/  Psalis (genus)/ 
Authorship:Kiriakoff, 1956
Citation:Psalis africana sp. nov.
Original genus:Psalis
Publication:Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth.
Journal:Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. Kenya Kenya, Kibwezi, e.l. 1921-12-17, leg. W. Feather.
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Allotype NHMUK Allotype ♀, NHMUK. Kenya Kenya, Kibwezi, e.l. 1921-12-17, leg. W. Feather.
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Paratype NHMUK Paratypes 1♂, 1♀, NHMUK. Kenya Kenya, Kibwezi, e.l. 1921-12-17, leg. W. Feather.
Distribution note:

The records of Western Democratic Republic of the Congo (Bas Congo), Ghana, and Nigeria (see S. G. Kiriakoff 1956c: 128) refer to Psalis bashfordae László & Powell, 2024. The Oriental species P. pennatula (Fabricius, 1793), P. securis (Hübner, 1823), P. antica (Walker, 1855), P. approximata Walker, 1865, P. falcata (Walker, 1865) were recorded several times from the Afrotropical region. Still, they turned out to be misidentifications of other Psalis species (see G. M. László & B. Powell 2024: 85).

Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Angola Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Burundi Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the East Kasai Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Kiriakoff S. G. 1963a. Exploration du Parc Albert. Deuxième série. Lepidoptera Heterocera (partim). page 118
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Aurivillius C. 1900b. Verzeichniss einer von den Herren Missionären E. Laman und W. Sjöholm bei Mukinbungu am unteren Congo zusammengebrachten Schmetterlingssammlung. page 1056 (as pennatula)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Ethiopia Dall'Asta U. 1977. Lymantriidae. – In: Rougeot P. C., Missions entomologiques en Ethiopie 1973–1975. Fascicule 1. page 41
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Kenya Butler A. G. 1894b. On a collection of Lepidoptera from British East Africa, made by Dr. J. W. Gregory between the months of March and August, 1893. page 585 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Malawi Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Mozambique Pagenstecher A. 1893. Lepidopteren gesammelt in Ost-Afrika 1888/89 von Dr. Franz Stuhlmann. page 35 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Rwanda Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 South Africa Mpumalanga Janse A. J. T. 1915a. Contribution towards our knowledge of the South African Lymantriidae. page 44 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 South Africa Gauteng Distant W. L. 1897d. On a collection of Heterocera made in the Transvaal. page 200 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 South Africa Limpopo Janse A. J. T. 1915a. Contribution towards our knowledge of the South African Lymantriidae. page 44 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Hampson G. F. 1905b. The moths of South Africa (part III). page 393 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 South Africa Northern Cape Janse A. J. T. 1915a. Contribution towards our knowledge of the South African Lymantriidae. page 44 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 South Africa Eastern Cape Janse A. J. T. 1915a. Contribution towards our knowledge of the South African Lymantriidae. page 44 (as securis)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 South Sudan László G. M. & Powell B. 2024. Review of the Afrotropical Psalis Hübner, [1823] with descriptions of two new species and notes on Asiatic taxa (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Lymantriinae, Orgyiini). page 84
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Tanzania Kiriakoff S. G. 1956c. Psalis africana (Lymantriidae) a new African moth. page 128
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Uganda Sevastopulo D. G. 1957d. Notes on the Heterocera of Kampala and neighbourhood (V). page 280 (as pennatula)
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Zambia László G. M. & Powell B. 2024. Review of the Afrotropical Psalis Hübner, [1823] with descriptions of two new species and notes on Asiatic taxa (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Lymantriinae, Orgyiini). page 84
Psalis africana Kiriakoff, 1956 Zimbabwe Hampson G. F. 1905b. The moths of South Africa (part III). page 393 (as securis)
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination