Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1995h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank, 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 2. page 306 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 130
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Burkina Faso
Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 129
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Cabo Verde
Traub B. & Bauer E. 1982. Zur Macro-Lepidopteren-Fauna der Kapverdische Inseln. – In: Lobin W., Ergebnisse des 1. Symposiums "Fauna und Flora der Kapverdischen Inseln". page 228 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Cabo Verde
Nyström V. 1958. Macrolepidoptera from the Cape Verde Islands. page 32 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Cabo Verde
Santo Antão
Nyström V. 1958. Macrolepidoptera from the Cape Verde Islands. page 32 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Snellen P. C. T. 1872. Bijdrage tot de vlinder-fauna van Neder-Guinea, zuidwestelijk gedeelte van Afrika. page 57
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Fletcher D. S. 1963a. Exploration du Parc National Albert (deuxième série). 1. Geometridae; 2. Noctuidae. page 117 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Côte d'Ivoire
Lödl M. 1995h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank, 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 2. page 306 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Equatorial Guinea
Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 130
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 130
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
page R. Goff (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Wojtusiak J. 1996c. The check-list of the Noctuidae Moths of the São Tomé and Principe Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, with notes on their geographical distribution. Part III. Catocalinae, Ophiderinae, Hypeninae, Hypenodinae. page 691 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Hacker H. H. 2021. Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (Erebidae). Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna. — In: Hacker H. (ed.), Moths of Africa, Systematic and illustrated catalogue of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Africa. page 129
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Saalmüller M. 1880. Neue Lepidopteren aus Madagascar, die sich im Museum der Senckenberg'schen naturforschenden Gesellschaft befinden. page 280 (as strigatalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Guillermet C. 2005d. Les Hétérocères ou papillons de nuit, de l'île de La Réunion. Volume 1. Famille des Noctuidae Quadrifides. page 477 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1995h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank, 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 2. page 306 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Druce H. 1884. On the Lepidoptera collected by the late W. A. Forbes on the Banks of the Lower Niger.
— Rhopalocera by F. D. Godman and O. Salvin. Heterocera by H. Druce. page 229 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Fletcher T. B. 1910a. Lepidoptera exclusive of the Tortricidae and Tineidae, with some remarks on their distribution and means of dispersal among the islands of the Indian Ocean. (The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905). page 281 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Sao Tome & Principe
São Tomé
Prout A. E. 1927. A list of Noctuidae with descriptions of new forms collected in the island of São Thomé by T. A. Barns. page 231 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Hampson G. F. 1908a. On the moths collected during the cruise of the "Valhalla" during the winter 1905–06 by Mr. E. G. B. Meade-Waldo. page 485 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Fletcher T. B. 1910a. Lepidoptera exclusive of the Tortricidae and Tineidae, with some remarks on their distribution and means of dispersal among the islands of the Indian Ocean. (The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905). page 281 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Joannis J. de 1894. Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud des îles Seychelles. page 434 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Fletcher T. B. 1910a. Lepidoptera exclusive of the Tortricidae and Tineidae, with some remarks on their distribution and means of dispersal among the islands of the Indian Ocean. (The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905). page 281 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Fryer J. C. F. 1912. The Lepidoptera of Seychelles and Aldabra, exclusive of the Orneodidae and Pterophoridae and of the Tortricina and Tineina. page 14 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Sierra Leone
Fletcher T. B. 1910a. Lepidoptera exclusive of the Tortricidae and Tineidae, with some remarks on their distribution and means of dispersal among the islands of the Indian Ocean. (The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905). page 281 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Lödl M. 1994h. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). page 565 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Fletcher D. S. 1961. Ruwenzori Expedition 1952. – Noctuidae. page 246 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Hampson G. F. 1910c. Zoological collections from Northern Rhodesia and adjacent territories: Lepidoptera Phalaenae. page 450 (as conscitalis)
Hypena semilutea (Snellen, 1872)
Wojtusiak J. 1996c. The check-list of the Noctuidae Moths of the São Tomé and Principe Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, with notes on their geographical distribution. Part III. Catocalinae, Ophiderinae, Hypeninae, Hypenodinae. page 691 (as conscitalis)