Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Angola |
Mabossy-Mobouna G., Ombeni J. B., Bouyer Th., Latham P., Bocquet E., Konda Ku Mbuta A., Eckebil Tabi P. P. & Malaisse F. 2022a. Diversity of edible caterpillars and their host plants in the Republic of the Congo. page 15 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Cameroon |
Aurivillius C. 1904c. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Insektenfauna von Kamerun. 11. Lepidoptera Heterocera II. page 8 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Congo |
Mabossy-Mobouna G., Ombeni J. B., Bouyer Th., Latham P., Bocquet E., Konda Ku Mbuta A., Eckebil Tabi P. P. & Malaisse F. 2022a. Diversity of edible caterpillars and their host plants in the Republic of the Congo. page 15 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Kiriakoff S. G. 1970b. Lepidoptera Familia Thaumetopoeidae. page 19 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Côte d'Ivoire |
Kiriakoff S. G. 1970b. Lepidoptera Familia Thaumetopoeidae. page 19 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Equatorial Guinea |
Strand E. 1912k. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition des Herrn G. Tessmann nach Süd-Kamerun und Spanisch Guinea. Lepidoptera I. (Saturniidae, Brahmaeidae, Striphnopterygidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Syntomididae [sic], Hypsidae und Agaristidae). page 173 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Gabon |
Aurivillius C. 1892. Verzeichniss einer von Herrn Fritz Theorin aus Gabon und dem Gebiete des Camerunflusses heimgebrachten Schmetterlings-Sammlung. II. Heterocera. page 196 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Gambia |
Druce H. 1888. Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera Heterocera, mostly from tropical Africa. page 674 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Ghana |
Walsingham Thomas de Grey 1885a. Contributions to the knowledge of the genus Anaphe, Walker. page 423 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Sao Tome & Principe |
Mabossy-Mobouna G., Ombeni J. B., Bouyer Th., Latham P., Bocquet E., Konda Ku Mbuta A., Eckebil Tabi P. P. & Malaisse F. 2022a. Diversity of edible caterpillars and their host plants in the Republic of the Congo. page 15 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Sierra Leone |
Mabossy-Mobouna G., Ombeni J. B., Bouyer Th., Latham P., Bocquet E., Konda Ku Mbuta A., Eckebil Tabi P. P. & Malaisse F. 2022a. Diversity of edible caterpillars and their host plants in the Republic of the Congo. page 15 |
Epanaphe carteri (Walsingham, 1885) |
Zambia |
Mabossy-Mobouna G., Ombeni J. B., Bouyer Th., Latham P., Bocquet E., Konda Ku Mbuta A., Eckebil Tabi P. P. & Malaisse F. 2022a. Diversity of edible caterpillars and their host plants in the Republic of the Congo. page 15 |