Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898)

Higher taxa: Noctuidae (family)/  Acontiinae (subfamily)/  Euterpiodes (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Distant, 1898)
Citation:Megalodes pienaari, sp. n.
Original genus:Megalodes
Publication:Distant W. L. 1898b. On a collection of Heterocera made in the Transvaal.
Journal:Annals and Magazine of Natural History
Volume:(7) 1
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) Lectotype NHMUK Paralectotype 1♂, not found (see M. Krüger 2015: 85), NHMUK. South Africa South Africa, Gauteng, Transvaal, Pienaars River, Pretoria, xi, leg. W. L. Distant. Krüger M. 2012. Revision of the genus Euterpiodes Hampson, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page 223
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) Lectotype NHMUK Lectotype ♂, designated by M. Krüger (2012: 85), NHMUK. South Africa South Africa, Gauteng, Transvaal, Pienaars River, Pretoria, xi, leg. W. L. Distant. Krüger M. 2012. Revision of the genus Euterpiodes Hampson, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page 223
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) Botswana Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 202
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) Namibia Grünberg K. 1910c. Lepidoptera. – In: Schultze L.: Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise in westlichen und zentralen Südafrika. Vierter Band. Systematik und Tiergeographie. page 99
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa Limpopo Krüger M. 2012. Revision of the genus Euterpiodes Hampson, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page 87
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa Mpumalanga Janse A. J. T. 1937–1939. The Moths of South Africa. Volume III. Cymatophoridae, Callidulidae and Noctuidae (Partim). page 414
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa Free State Janse A. J. T. 1937–1939. The Moths of South Africa. Volume III. Cymatophoridae, Callidulidae and Noctuidae (Partim). page 414
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa Northern Cape Janse A. J. T. 1937–1939. The Moths of South Africa. Volume III. Cymatophoridae, Callidulidae and Noctuidae (Partim). page 414
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa Western Cape Krüger M. 2012. Revision of the genus Euterpiodes Hampson, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). page 87
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Janse A. J. T. 1937–1939. The Moths of South Africa. Volume III. Cymatophoridae, Callidulidae and Noctuidae (Partim). page 414
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa Eastern Cape Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 202
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa North-West Grünberg K. 1910c. Lepidoptera. – In: Schultze L.: Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise in westlichen und zentralen Südafrika. Vierter Band. Systematik und Tiergeographie. page 134
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) South Africa Gauteng Distant W. L. 1898b. On a collection of Heterocera made in the Transvaal. page 223
Euterpiodes pienaari (Distant, 1898) Zimbabwe Hampson G. F. 1902a. The moths of South Africa (Part II). page 381
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination