Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847)

Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) unknown NHMUK Not stated, NHMUK. South Africa South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Pays des Amazoulous.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Angola Dewitz H. 1881. Afrikanische Nachtschmetterlinge. page 88
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Cameroon Strand E. 1915a. Lepidoptera aus Bonaberi in Kamerun, gesammelt von Herrn E. Hintz. page 154
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Congo Hampson G. F. 1905b. The moths of South Africa (part III). page 416
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Aurivillius C. 1925a. Zoological results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Insecta. 12. Lepidoptera. 1. page 11
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Walker F. 1854b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part II.– Lepidoptera Heterocera. page 570 (as cingulifera)
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Holland W. J. 1920. Lepidoptera of the Congo, being a systematic list of the butterflies and moths collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition, together with descriptions of some hitherto undescribed species. page 269
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Côte d'Ivoire Kiriakoff S. G. 1965b. Les Lépidoptères hétérocères africains de la Collection Abel Dufrane. Deuxième note: Arctiidae. page 14
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Ethiopia Toulgoët H. de 1977a. Arctiidae et Nolidae. – In: Rougeot P. C., Missions entomologiques en Ethiopie 1973–1975. Fascicule 1. page 73
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Gambia Druce H. 1887a. Lepidoptera Heterocera. – In: Moloney A. C., Sketch of the forestry of West Africa with particular reference to its present principal commercial products. page 495 (as ocellina)
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Ghana page R. FIebig
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Guinea Goodger D. T. & Watson A. 1995. The Afrotropical Tiger-Moths. An illustrated catalogue, with generic diagnoses and species distribution, of the Afrotropical Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). page 6
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Kenya Butler A. G. 1894b. On a collection of Lepidoptera from British East Africa, made by Dr. J. W. Gregory between the months of March and August, 1893. page 583 (as cingulifera)
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Madagascar Walker F. 1854b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part II.– Lepidoptera Heterocera. page 571 (as ocellina)
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Malawi Butler A. G. 1894a. On two collections of Lepidoptera sent by H. H. Johnston, Esq., C. B., from British Central Africa. page 677
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Mozambique Kirby W. F. 1896. On a collection of moths from East Africa formed by Dr. W. J. Ansorge, Medical Officer to the Uganda Administration. page 381
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Namibia Kopij G. 2014. Lepidoptera fauna of Namibia. I. Seasonal distribution of moths of the Koakoland (Mopane) Savanna in Ogongo, northern Namibia. page 123
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Nigeria Sharpe E. M. 1902. A list of Lepidoptera collected by Dr. Cuthbert Christy in Nigeria. page 105
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Réunion Guillermet C. & Guillermet C. W. W. 1986. Contribution à l'étude des Papillons Hétérocères de l'Ile de la Réunion. Résultats des chasses de nuit à l'usage des amateurs et des débutants. page 158
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Sierra Leone Schaus W. & Clements W. G. 1893. On a collection of Sierra Leone Lepidoptera. page 23 (as cingulifera)
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Somalia Berio E. 1941c. Elenco di lepidotteri eteroceri raccolti da Querci-Romei in Somalia con diagnosi di nuove specie. page 121
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Boisduval J. B. A. 1847. Catalogue des Lépidoptères recueillis par M. Delegorgue pendant les années 1838–1844 à Port Natal, au pays des Amazoulous et dans la contrée de Massilicatzi. – In: Delegorgue A. (ed.), Voyage dans l'Afrique australe 1838–1844. page 597
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Sudan Aurivillius C. 1925a. Zoological results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Insecta. 12. Lepidoptera. 1. page 11
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Tanzania Kirby W. F. 1896. On a collection of moths from East Africa formed by Dr. W. J. Ansorge, Medical Officer to the Uganda Administration. page 381
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Tanzania Aurivillius C. 1909b. Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera und Heterocera (Pars I) von Madagaskar, den Comoren und den Inseln Ostafrikas. – In: Voeltzkow, A., Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903–1905. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. page 348
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Uganda Ssese Islands Grünberg K. 1910a. Zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna der Sesse-Inseln im Victoria Nyanza. page 159
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Uganda Butler A. G. 1888b. On the Lepidoptera received from Dr. Emin Pasha. page 83 (as cingulifera)
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Zambia Hampson G. F. 1910c. Zoological collections from Northern Rhodesia and adjacent territories: Lepidoptera Phalaenae. page 461
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Zimbabwe Hampson G. F. 1905b. The moths of South Africa (part III). page 416
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Crotalaria sp. Fabaceae Uganda Sevastopulo D. G. 1957c. Notes on the Heterocera of Kampala and neighbourhood (IV). page 134
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Crotalaria tanety Fabaceae Madagascar Paulian R. & Viette P. 1956. Essai d'un catalogue biologique des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Tananarive. page 254 (as C. cytisoides)
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Crotalaria uncinella Fabaceae Réunion Martiré D. & Rochat J. 2008. Les papillons de La Réunion et leurs chenilles. page 367
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Alytarchia amanda (Boisduval, 1847) Apanteles oppidicola Braconidae Madagascar Paulian R. & Viette P. 1956. Essai d'un catalogue biologique des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Tananarive. page 254
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Alytarchia albicincta (Rambur, 1866) (Rambur, 1866) species Synonym Xanthesthes albicincta
Alytarchia cingulifera (Walker, 1854) (Walker, 1854) species Synonym Deiopeia cingulifera
Alytarchia ocellina (Walker, 1854) (Walker, 1854) species Synonym Deiopeia ocellina
Alytarchia serrata (Mabille, 1879) (Mabille, 1879) species Synonym Deiopeia serrata