Achaea echo (Walker, 1858)

Higher taxa: Erebidae (family)/  Erebinae (subfamily)/  Poaphilini (tribe)/  Achaea (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Walker, 1858)
Citation:Ophisma Echo
Original genus:Ophisma
Publication:Walker F. 1858c. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part XIV.– Noctuidae.
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Lectotype NHMUK Lectotype ♂, designated by P. Viette (1990b: 403), NHMUK Sierra Leone Sierra Leone, leg. D. F. Morgan. Viette P. 1990b. Zur Designation von Lectotypen einiger madagassischer Noctuiden-Arten (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Acontiinae, Catocalinae). page 1374
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Lectotype NHMUK Paralectotype 1♂, NHMUK. Sierra Leone Sierra Leone, leg. D. F. Morgan. Viette P. 1990b. Zur Designation von Lectotypen einiger madagassischer Noctuiden-Arten (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Acontiinae, Catocalinae). page 1374
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Burundi page RMCA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga page TMSA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Eritrea page MSNM
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Eswatini page TMSA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Ethiopia page P. Basquin
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Ghana Plötz C. 1880a. Verzeichniss der vom Prof. Dr. R. Buchholz in West-Afrika gesammelten Schmetterlinge. page 299 (as mariaca)
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Kenya page TMSA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Madagascar Paulian R. & Viette P. 1956. Essai d'un catalogue biologique des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Tananarive. page 237
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Nigeria Hampson G. F. 1913c. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the collection of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). XII. Noctuidae. page 515
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Réunion Bippus M. 2018. New Erebidae from the Mascarene islands and about some Madagascar Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). page 16
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Sierra Leone Walker F. 1858c. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part XIV.– Noctuidae. page 1374
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) South Africa Mpumalanga page TMSA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 216
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) South Africa Eastern Cape page TMSA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) South Africa Gauteng page TMSA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) South Africa Hampson G. F. 1902a. The moths of South Africa (Part II). page 337
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) South Africa Limpopo page TMSA
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Tanzania page NHMO
Achaea echo (Walker, 1858) Zimbabwe Hampson G. F. 1902a. The moths of South Africa (Part II). page 337
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Achaea mariaca Plötz, 1880 Plötz, 1880 species Synonym Achaea mariaca