Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Angola |
Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 10 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Cameroon |
Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Central African Republic |
Sircoulomb G. 2013a. Les Geometridae du parc national de Dzanga Ndoki (R.C.A.) : inventaire et description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Microlyces Herbulot, 1981 (Lepidoptera) (1° contribution). page 35 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Congo |
Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Walker F. 1869b. In: Chapman T., On some lepidopterous insects from Congo. page 374 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Orientale |
Strand E. 1918c. Über einige Heterocera der Familien Arctiidae, Lymantriidae, Geometridae, Saturniidae, Lasiocampidae, Pyralididae [sic] und Aegeriidae aus Belgisch Kongo. page 32 (as mpalaria) |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Equatorial Guinea |
Bioko |
Karisch T. 2001a. Zur Geometridenfauna von Bioko (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). page 181 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Ghana |
page J. Jörpeland |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Guinea |
Herbulot C. 1954b. La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mt Nimba. XXIV. Lépidoptères Géométrides. page 311 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Kenya |
Fawcett J. M. 1915. Notes on a collection of Heterocera made by Mr. W. Feather in British East Africa, 1911–12. page 112 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Nigeria |
Swinhoe C. 1904b. On the Geometridae of tropical Africa in the National Collection. page 528 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Sierra Leone |
Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Tanzania |
Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Uganda |
Ssese Islands |
Grünberg K. 1910a. Zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna der Sesse-Inseln im Victoria Nyanza. page 155 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Uganda |
Herbulot C. 1954b. La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mt Nimba. XXIV. Lépidoptères Géométrides. page 311 |
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Zimbabwe |
Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 401 (as maculatissimus) |
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Cameroon |
Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9 |
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Congo |
Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85 |
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Walker F. 1869a. Characters of undescribed Lepidoptera Heterocera. page 374 |
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Sierra Leone |
Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9 |
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) |
Uganda |
Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9 |
Biston abruptaria austroccidentalis Karisch, 2005 |
Angola |
Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 10 |
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85 (as aequinoctialis) |
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 |
Kenya |
Fawcett J. M. 1915. Notes on a collection of Heterocera made by Mr. W. Feather in British East Africa, 1911–12. page 112 |
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 |
Uganda |
Ssese Islands |
Grünberg K. 1910a. Zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna der Sesse-Inseln im Victoria Nyanza. page 155 |
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 |
Zimbabwe |
Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 401 |
Biston abruptaria mpalaria (Oberthür, 1913) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Orientale |
Strand E. 1918c. Über einige Heterocera der Familien Arctiidae, Lymantriidae, Geometridae, Saturniidae, Lasiocampidae, Pyralididae [sic] und Aegeriidae aus Belgisch Kongo. page 32 |
Biston abruptaria mpalaria (Oberthür, 1913) |
Tanzania |
Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85 |