Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869)

Higher taxa: Geometridae (family)/  Ennominae (subfamily)/  Boarmiini (tribe)/  Biston (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Walker, 1869)
Citation:Boarmia abruptaria
Original genus:Boarmia
Publication:Walker F. 1869b. In: Chapman T., On some lepidopterous insects from Congo.
Journal:Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Syntype NHMUK Syntypes ♂, NHMUK. Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, leg. Marsden.
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Angola Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 10
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Cameroon Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Central African Republic Sircoulomb G. 2013a. Les Geometridae du parc national de Dzanga Ndoki (R.C.A.) : inventaire et description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Microlyces Herbulot, 1981 (Lepidoptera) (1° contribution). page 35
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Congo Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Walker F. 1869b. In: Chapman T., On some lepidopterous insects from Congo. page 374
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Strand E. 1918c. Über einige Heterocera der Familien Arctiidae, Lymantriidae, Geometridae, Saturniidae, Lasiocampidae, Pyralididae [sic] und Aegeriidae aus Belgisch Kongo. page 32 (as mpalaria)
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Equatorial Guinea Bioko Karisch T. 2001a. Zur Geometridenfauna von Bioko (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). page 181
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Ghana page J. Jörpeland
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Guinea Herbulot C. 1954b. La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mt Nimba. XXIV. Lépidoptères Géométrides. page 311
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Kenya Fawcett J. M. 1915. Notes on a collection of Heterocera made by Mr. W. Feather in British East Africa, 1911–12. page 112
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Nigeria Swinhoe C. 1904b. On the Geometridae of tropical Africa in the National Collection. page 528
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Sierra Leone Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Tanzania Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Uganda Ssese Islands Grünberg K. 1910a. Zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna der Sesse-Inseln im Victoria Nyanza. page 155
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Uganda Herbulot C. 1954b. La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mt Nimba. XXIV. Lépidoptères Géométrides. page 311
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Zimbabwe Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 401 (as maculatissimus)
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Cameroon Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Congo Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Walker F. 1869a. Characters of undescribed Lepidoptera Heterocera. page 374
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Sierra Leone Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Uganda Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 9
Biston abruptaria austroccidentalis Karisch, 2005 Angola Karisch T. 2005a. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Biston. page 10
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85 (as aequinoctialis)
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 Kenya Fawcett J. M. 1915. Notes on a collection of Heterocera made by Mr. W. Feather in British East Africa, 1911–12. page 112
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 Uganda Ssese Islands Grünberg K. 1910a. Zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna der Sesse-Inseln im Victoria Nyanza. page 155
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 Zimbabwe Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 401
Biston abruptaria mpalaria (Oberthür, 1913) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Strand E. 1918c. Über einige Heterocera der Familien Arctiidae, Lymantriidae, Geometridae, Saturniidae, Lasiocampidae, Pyralididae [sic] und Aegeriidae aus Belgisch Kongo. page 32
Biston abruptaria mpalaria (Oberthür, 1913) Tanzania Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Albizia sp. Fabaceae Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Albizia sp. Fabaceae Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page 195
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Cupressus lusitanica Cupressaceae Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Cupressus lusitanica Cupressaceae Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page 195
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Eucalyptus sp. Myrtaceae Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Eucalyptus torreliana Myrtaceae Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Maesopsis eminii Rhamnaceae Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Maesopsis eminii Rhamnaceae Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page 195
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Paraserianthes falcataria Fabaceae Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria (Walker, 1869) Pinus patula Pinaceae Parsons M. S., Scoble M. J., Honey M. R., Pitkin L. M. & Pitkin B. R. 1999. Geometrid moths of the world. A catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). [Edited by M. J. Scoble]. page 85
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 Cupressus lusitanica Cupressaceae Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 401
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 Maesopsis eminii Rhamnaceae Austara O. & Jones T. 1971. Host list and distribution of lepidopterous defoliators of exotic softwoods in East Africa. page 401
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Biston abruptaria abruptaria (Walker, 1869) (Walker, 1869) subspecies Accepted Boarmia abruptaria abruptaria
Biston abruptaria aequinoctialis (Prout L. B., 1938) (Prout L. B., 1938) subspecies Synonym Buzura abruptaria aequinoctialis
Biston abruptaria austroccidentalis Karisch, 2005 Karisch, 2005 subspecies Accepted Biston abruptaria austroccidentalis
Biston abruptaria maculatissimus Grünberg, 1910 Grünberg, 1910 subspecies Accepted Biston abruptaria maculatissimus
Biston abruptaria mpalaria (Oberthür, 1913) (Oberthür, 1913) subspecies Accepted Amphidasys abruptaria mpalaria
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination