Cropera testacea Walker, 1855

Higher taxa: Erebidae (family)/  Lymantriinae (subfamily)/  Cropera (genus)/ 
Authorship:Walker, 1855
Citation:Cropera testacea
Original genus:Cropera
Publication:Walker F. 1855b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part IV.– Lepidoptera Heterocera.
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Holotype NHMUK Holotype ♂, NHMUK. South Africa South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Port Natal [Durban].
Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Burundi Dall'Asta U. 2008. Lymantriidae. – In: Kühne, L. (Ed.) Butterflies and moth diversity of the Kakamega forest (Kenya). page 172
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Katanga Butler A. G. 1888b. On the Lepidoptera received from Dr. Emin Pasha. page 83
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Aurivillius C. 1925a. Zoological results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Insecta. 12. Lepidoptera. 1. page 19
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Rebel H. 1914a. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Expedition R. Grauer nach Zentralafrika, Dezember 1909 bis Februar 1911. Lepidopteren. page 278
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Bas Congo Aurivillius C. 1906. Verzeichnis von Lepidopteren, gesammelt bei Mukimbungu am unteren Kongo von Herrn E. Laman. Zweite und dritte Sendung. page 12
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Eswatini Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 174
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Ethiopia Dall'Asta U. 1977. Lymantriidae. – In: Rougeot P. C., Missions entomologiques en Ethiopie 1973–1975. Fascicule 1. page 39
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Ghana Dall'Asta U. 2008. Lymantriidae. – In: Kühne, L. (Ed.) Butterflies and moth diversity of the Kakamega forest (Kenya). page 172
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Kenya Butler A. G. 1898b. On a collection of Lepidoptera made in British East Africa by Mr. C. S. Betton. page 427
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Mozambique Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 174
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Somalia Hampson G. F. 1916a. On moths from Somaliland. – In: Poulton E. B., On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather. page 139
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 South Africa Western Cape Janse A. J. T. 1915a. Contribution towards our knowledge of the South African Lymantriidae. page 22
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Walker F. 1855b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part IV.– Lepidoptera Heterocera. page 826
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 South Africa Eastern Cape Janse A. J. T. 1915a. Contribution towards our knowledge of the South African Lymantriidae. page 22
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 South Africa Limpopo Janse A. J. T. 1915a. Contribution towards our knowledge of the South African Lymantriidae. page 22
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Sudan Hampson G. F. 1910a. Descriptions of new African moths. page 441 (as seminuda)
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Tanzania Mafia Archipelago Aurivillius C. 1909b. Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera und Heterocera (Pars I) von Madagaskar, den Comoren und den Inseln Ostafrikas. – In: Voeltzkow, A., Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903–1905. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. page 348
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Tanzania Strand E. 1909a. Lepidopteren aus Deutsch-Ost-Afrika gesammelt von Herrn Leutnant F. Trefurth. page 108
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Tanzania Pemba Aurivillius C. 1909b. Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera und Heterocera (Pars I) von Madagaskar, den Comoren und den Inseln Ostafrikas. – In: Voeltzkow, A., Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903–1905. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. page 338
Cropera testacea Walker, 1855 Uganda Collenette C. L. & Carpenter G. D. H. 1933. New species, and descriptions of larvae, of Lymantriidae from Uganda. page 266
Cropera testacea seminuda (Hampson, 1910) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the North Kivu Aurivillius C. 1925a. Zoological results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Insecta. 12. Lepidoptera. 1. page 19
Cropera testacea seminuda (Hampson, 1910) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Aurivillius C. 1925a. Zoological results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Insecta. 12. Lepidoptera. 1. page 19
Cropera testacea seminuda (Hampson, 1910) Kenya Hampson G. F. 1910a. Descriptions of new African moths. page 441
Cropera testacea seminuda (Hampson, 1910) Sudan Hampson G. F. 1910a. Descriptions of new African moths. page 441
Cropera testacea testacea Walker, 1855 South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Walker F. 1855b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part IV.– Lepidoptera Heterocera. page 826
Cropera testacea testacea Walker, 1855 Tanzania Strand E. 1909a. Lepidopteren aus Deutsch-Ost-Afrika gesammelt von Herrn Leutnant F. Trefurth. page 108
Cropera testacea testacea Walker, 1855 Tanzania Mafia Archipelago Aurivillius C. 1909b. Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera und Heterocera (Pars I) von Madagaskar, den Comoren und den Inseln Ostafrikas. – In: Voeltzkow, A., Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903–1905. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. page 348
Cropera testacea testacea Walker, 1855 Tanzania Pemba Aurivillius C. 1909b. Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera und Heterocera (Pars I) von Madagaskar, den Comoren und den Inseln Ostafrikas. – In: Voeltzkow, A., Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903–1905. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. page 348
Plant note:

Description of the larva in C. L. Collenette & H. G. D. Carpenter (1933: 266).

Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Cropera testacea seminuda (Hampson, 1910) (Hampson, 1910) subspecies Accepted Laelia testacea seminuda
Cropera testacea testacea Walker, 1855 Walker, 1855 subspecies Accepted Cropera testacea testacea
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination