Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Angola |
Butler A. G. 1875d. Revision of the genus Spilosoma and the allied groups of the family Arctiidae. page 27 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Botswana |
Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 168 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Strand E. 1919b. Arctiidae: Subfam. Arctiinae. – In: Wagner, H. (Ed.) Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pars 22. page 160 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
Katanga |
Kiriakoff S. G. 1954g. Hétérocères nouveaux ou peu connus du Katanga. page 181 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Ethiopia |
Holland W. J. 1897a. List of the Lepidoptera Heterocera collected by A. Donaldson Smith. – In: A. Donaldson Smith, Through unknown African countries. The first expedition from Somaliland to Lake Rudolf. page 419 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Kenya |
Butler A. G. 1898b. On a collection of Lepidoptera made in British East Africa by Mr. C. S. Betton. page 417 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Lesotho |
Kopij G. 2006. Lepidoptera fauna of Lesotho. page 161 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Mozambique |
Hampson G. F. 1900c. The moths of South Africa (Part 1). page 55 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Namibia |
Aurivillius C. 1879. Lepidoptera Damarensia. Förteckning på fjärilar insamlade i Damaralandet af G. de Vylder åren 1873 och 1874 jemte beskrifning öfver förut okända arter. page 56 (as wallengreni) |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Somalia |
Hampson G. F. 1916a. On moths from Somaliland. – In: Poulton E. B., On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather. page 102 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
South Africa |
Gauteng |
Distant W. L. 1897d. On a collection of Heterocera made in the Transvaal. page 198 (as scapulosa) |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
South Africa |
Mpumalanga |
page NHMO |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Sudan |
Goodger D. T. & Watson A. 1995. The Afrotropical Tiger-Moths. An illustrated catalogue, with generic diagnoses and species distribution, of the Afrotropical Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). page 14 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Tanzania |
Strand E. 1909a. Lepidopteren aus Deutsch-Ost-Afrika gesammelt von Herrn Leutnant F. Trefurth. page 109 (as impia) |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Uganda |
Nyiira Z. M. 1973. Pest status of thrips and lepidopterous species on vegetables in Uganda. page 132 |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Zambia |
page C. Mateke |
Paralacydes arborifera (Butler, 1875) |
Zimbabwe |
Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 168 |