Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858)

Higher taxa: Geometridae (family)/  Geometrinae (subfamily)/  Pseudoterpnini (tribe)/  Pingasa (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Guenée, 1858)
Citation:Hypochroma Ruginaria Gn.
Original genus:Hypochroma
Publication:Guenée A. M. 1858a. In: Boisduval J. A. B. & Guenée A. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Spécies général des Lépidoptères. IX. Uranides et Phalénites. Tome I.
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Syntype NHMUK Syntypes 1♀, NHMUK Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, Ceylon.
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) NHMW 1♂, NHMW. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, Ceylon.
Distribution note:

Oriental: Andaman Islands, India, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka.

Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Cameroon Plötz C. 1880a. Verzeichniss der vom Prof. Dr. R. Buchholz in West-Afrika gesammelten Schmetterlinge. page 303 (as batiaria)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Holland W. J. 1920. Lepidoptera of the Congo, being a systematic list of the butterflies and moths collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition, together with descriptions of some hitherto undescribed species. page 314
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Equatorial Guinea Bioko Herbulot C. 1998a. Lépidoptères Geometridae récoltés par le Dr. J.-G. Canu dans l'île de Bioko (ex Fernando Poo) (Lepidoptera). page 287 (as commutata)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Ethiopia Hausmann A., Parisi F. & Sciarretta A. 2014. The geometrid moths of Ethiopia I: tribes Pseudoterpnini and Comibaenini (Lepidptera: Geometridae, Geometrinae). page 463 (as interrupta)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Gambia page R. Goff
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Guinea Karisch T. 2010a. Geometridae der Expeditionen H. Hoppes nach Bioko 1. Teil: Desmobathrinae, Geometrinae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). page 345
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Kenya Warren W. 1901a. New Thyrididae, Epiplemidae and Geometridae from the Aethiopian region. page 204 (as interrupta)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Madagascar Pagenstecher A. 1907. In: Voeltzkow, A. Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903–05. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 2. Systematische Arbeiten, Bd 2,Hft 2 (Lepidoptera Heterocera von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika: Uraniidae, Geometridae, Noctuidae, Pyralidae, Thyrididae, ... page 101
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Malawi Prout L. B. 1929–1938. Die Spannerartigen Nachtfalter (Geometridae). Die Afrikanischen Spanner. Geometridae. – In: Seitz A. (ed.) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine Systematische Bearbeitung der bis jetzt bekannten Gross-Schmetterlinge. page 10 (as communicans)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Mozambique Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101 (as communicans)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Sierra Leone Walker F. 1860b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part XXI.– Geometrites (continued). page 429 (as commutata)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Walker F. 1860b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part XXI.– Geometrites (continued). page 430 (as communicans)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Tanzania Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101 (as communicans)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Uganda Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101 (as commutata)
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Zimbabwe Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101 (as communicans)
Pingasa ruginaria communicans (Walker, 1860) Kenya Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101
Pingasa ruginaria communicans (Walker, 1860) Malawi Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101
Pingasa ruginaria communicans (Walker, 1860) Mozambique Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101
Pingasa ruginaria communicans (Walker, 1860) South Africa KwaZulu-Natal Walker F. 1860b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part XXI.– Geometrites (continued). page 430
Pingasa ruginaria communicans (Walker, 1860) Tanzania Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101
Pingasa ruginaria communicans (Walker, 1860) Zimbabwe Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Cameroon Plötz C. 1880a. Verzeichniss der vom Prof. Dr. R. Buchholz in West-Afrika gesammelten Schmetterlinge. page 303 (as batiaria)
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Central African Republic Sircoulomb G. 2013a. Les Geometridae du parc national de Dzanga Ndoki (R.C.A.) : inventaire et description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Microlyces Herbulot, 1981 (Lepidoptera) (1° contribution). page 34
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Congo page ZSM
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Orientale Debauche H. R. 1941. Hemitheinae d'Afrique tropicale (Lep. Het., Geometridae). page 297
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Equateur Debauche H. R. 1941. Hemitheinae d'Afrique tropicale (Lep. Het., Geometridae). page 297
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Equatorial Guinea Bioko Herbulot C. 1998a. Lépidoptères Geometridae récoltés par le Dr. J.-G. Canu dans l'île de Bioko (ex Fernando Poo) (Lepidoptera). page 287
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Guinea Karisch T. 2010a. Geometridae der Expeditionen H. Hoppes nach Bioko 1. Teil: Desmobathrinae, Geometrinae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). page 345
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Sierra Leone Walker F. 1860b. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part XXI.– Geometrites (continued). page 429
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) Uganda Pinhey E. C. G. 1975. Moths of southern Africa. Descriptions and colour illustrations of 1183 species. page 101
Pingasa ruginaria interrupta Warren, 1901 Ethiopia Hausmann A., Parisi F. & Sciarretta A. 2014. The geometrid moths of Ethiopia I: tribes Pseudoterpnini and Comibaenini (Lepidptera: Geometridae, Geometrinae). page 463
Pingasa ruginaria interrupta Warren, 1901 Kenya Warren W. 1901a. New Thyrididae, Epiplemidae and Geometridae from the Aethiopian region. page 204
Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1858) Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Sevastopulo D. G. 1976. A list of the food plants of East African Macrolepidoptera. Part 2. Moths (Heterocera). page 194
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Pingasa ruginaria batiaria (Plötz, 1880) (Plötz, 1880) subspecies Synonym Hypochroma ruginaria batiaria
Pingasa ruginaria communicans (Walker, 1860) (Walker, 1860) subspecies Accepted Hypochroma ruginaria communicans
Pingasa ruginaria commutata (Walker, 1860) (Walker, 1860) subspecies Accepted Hypochroma ruginaria commutata
Pingasa ruginaria interrupta Warren, 1901 Warren, 1901 subspecies Accepted Pingasa ruginaria interrupta
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Pingasa nyctemerata (Walker, 1860) (Walker, 1860) species Synonym Hypochroma nyctemerata
Pingasa perfectaria (Walker, 1860) (Walker, 1860) species Synonym Hypochroma perfectaria